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Horse animation

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Do you have any horse replacers? Any mods, that in some way influence horses? If you just have skyrim+SL+dependencies and animation pack, than I will suggest reinstall/re download animation pack.


p.s. Also probably try to rerun FNIS, that can help in many situations.

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I have the same issue and think I just resolved it for me at least.

I narrows the crash down to MoreNastyCritters_v12_01 and Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2A-SE. (they work together)


It worked again for me when  I uninstalled Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2A-SE. and reverted to the slightly older Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2-SE.


Sadly that's as good as I can suggest, I don't have the ability to look into both mods and see what is causing the issue.



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