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Close kin marriage

Tsundere Mango

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So i tried to modify 00_religions.txt so i could marry my sister as a catholic. I added "pc_marriage = yes" and  "bs_marriage = yes" (without "" ofc) under catholic, but the game still told me that i can't marry close kin. I don't know if this mechanic is supposed to be changed somewhere else or if my game has autism.


Also i don't really want to use marry_anyone since i want to keep religion restrictions on.

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That should work if done correctly. At least the commands are correct (as seen for example in zoroastrian_group's zoroastrian religion).

Did you add the lines in a seperate 00_religions.txt (as in, in a mod), or did you modify the base game file in CKII's install directory?

In the former case, make sure the mod is loading. In the latter, keep in mind that sometimes Steam seems to verify the game data and overwrites changed files with vanilla ones.


Also, check whether the commands are correctly placed. They should be together with the other religion effects such as investiture = yes, can_grant_divorce = yes and so on. I don't actually know whether or not their sequence matters (gfx, meta-info, effects, intermarry), but it works fine if put within the effects "block" (which is not an actual block, like in curly brackets).

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19 minutes ago, lockeslylcrit said:



Works fine for me on my end. Maybe you put the pc_marriage and bs_marriage in the wrong place?


Also: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/73788-ck2-modding-quick-question-thread/

Here's my file. I'm like 99.9% sure it's on the right place. I also tried making a mod that overwrites it with no results. I'm really at loss now.


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17 minutes ago, lockeslylcrit said:

That works fine for me. Do you have any other mods installed? I tested it with only Bigger Interface and Ruler Designer Unlocked

I've found which mod was causing it. CPR+ apparently has 00_religions.txt which i didn't know. I didn't even assume it would have one since it is gfx mod mainly.

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