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SkyrimLL/DeepBlueFrog mods conversion to SSE

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7 minutes ago, jayce113 said:

OK so, finished running through the Chaurus Queen and the Brood Mother quest, defeated the queen and from there I think something borked. I get the Spell for the Queen Body, BUT, I can't cast it? I can't remove the old armor, or the mask, or cast the queen body. I can do the spit spell and call brood, but the ones having to do with the armors don't do anything, they don't even make any noises like they are trying to be cast. Anyone have this happen? Also, in the MCM, the Parasite mod says it is on stage 4. 

Try quit game and reload the save.I tried this to solve the issue that can’t cast Body spell.

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41 minutes ago, weisuojiushiwd said:

Try quit game and reload the save.I tried this to solve the issue that can’t cast Body spell.

Aye, I tried that. I tried various saves, I tried using the console to complete the quest chain in case there was an issue with it actually finishing. When you run an player.sqs on the actual quest, there are still 2 or 3 stages it shows at the end that are not completed even though you've killed the queen and the quest is no longer in your journal. I'm wondering if something isn't triggering. (Update: Never mind. It took 2 reloads for it to let me have control back.)

Edited by jayce113
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After a Curse Loot trigger Estrus Tentacle attack I was checking the log for an issue I was having with SlaveTats. I found this line in it. 

[08/15/2021 - 05:46:41AM] ERROR: Cannot call GetActorBase() on a None object, aborting function call
    [alias SLP_PlayerAlias on quest _SLP_QST_Controller (25000D62)].SLP_PlayerAlias.OnSexLabEnd() - "SLP_PlayerAlias.psc" Line 631

Followed by:


[08/15/2021 - 05:46:41AM] [SLP] OnSexLabEnd: Player in animation

Does that indicate an issue with passing Estrus attacks to Parasites? Or is it benign?

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1 hour ago, hwybee4996 said:

OK how do i fix black face bug. I install SexLab Dialogues SE    SexLabStoriesSE    Dibella Sisterhood SE  SexLabParasitesSE  At the same time. About all the ladies of whiterun have black face.


1. best option for resolving it properly, use easynpc



2. quick option for resolving it (it may revert faces to vanilla in some cases, which is bad if you've got an overhaul you want to use), use face discoloration fix



3. somewhere in between, export facegen with the mods that have the black face, and anything that edits faces, like expressive facegen morphs and cosmetic vampire overhaul all loaded into the CK. (Edit: if you have something editing faces and it's not included, then you'll still get dark faces. at that point, you need to load up xedit with your entire load order and see which mods are editing the npc. the one on the far right is the winner and needs to be included.)


Edited by zarantha
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This mod looks like a really interesting addition to my set up and so I went ahead and tried testing pieces of it out using a new game save following the recommendations listed on the FAQ page. To reduce any possible conflicts, my load order only includes the barebones requirements for the mod to run and alternate start. So barebones in fact that the masters don't even have schlongs right now because I just want to see how things work on a basic level. That being said, an issue I've run into is that the "Are we there yet?" dialogue doesn't seem to be working properly unless I'm misunderstanding it's purpose. When my character asks that question, there's no teleport to location. Instead, the master just says "Soon" or "Almost" and nothing happens. And if I select the dialogue option repeatedly,  the master gets annoyed and then frees my character with the sole intent of killing and/or raping her. Is this intended behavior? I'm using the SE files btw.

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1 hour ago, hexofishy said:

This mod looks like a really interesting addition to my set up and so I went ahead and tried testing pieces of it out using a new game save following the recommendations listed on the FAQ page. To reduce any possible conflicts, my load order only includes the barebones requirements for the mod to run and alternate start. So barebones in fact that the masters don't even have schlongs right now because I just want to see how things work on a basic level. That being said, an issue I've run into is that the "Are we there yet?" dialogue doesn't seem to be working properly unless I'm misunderstanding it's purpose. When my character asks that question, there's no teleport to location. Instead, the master just says "Soon" or "Almost" and nothing happens. And if I select the dialogue option repeatedly,  the master gets annoyed and then frees my character with the sole intent of killing and/or raping her. Is this intended behavior? I'm using the SE files btw.


No.. the intended behavior is to teleport you to Mistwatch after you ask repeatedly.


Not sure why the teleport wouldn't work though.

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3 hours ago, Wolvie1 said:

Hey, Neither Sanguines Debch and  Resub Lola  will activate  in my loader, cause files are supposedly missing.


I am using Skyrim SE, I use devious 5.1 or does it not work with 5.1?


What does it say is missing? Have you made sure all the DD ESMs are activated after deployment? (I'm assuming your using vortex.)

Do you have the se versions of fnis, zaz, and sexlab aroused installed?


DD 5.1 will work to get SD installed and running, but somethings might not work quite as expected.


Don't know what resub lola is. check the requirements for it and make sure you have them all installed and active.

Edited by zarantha
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3 hours ago, DeepBlueFrog said:


No.. the intended behavior is to teleport you to Mistwatch after you ask repeatedly.


Not sure why the teleport wouldn't work though.

It's not even that I necessarily want to go to Mistwatch so much as it's impossible to actually walk anywhere with the master (usually a bandit or forsworn in my scenarios) stopping and getting into a standoff with every bunny rabbit and elk on the way. Aside from this little nitpick of mine, the mod works fine and is pretty fun overall.


EDIT: Sorry if this isn't the right forum btw. Should this type of comment go into the main SD+ comment section?

Edited by hexofishy
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11 hours ago, DeepBlueFrog said:


No.. the intended behavior is to teleport you to Mistwatch after you ask repeatedly.


Not sure why the teleport wouldn't work though.

I had a similar thing happen. The owner was ping ponging back and fourth between a point on her path where she saw something she wanted to kill (mostly animals) as she is a vampire. I got enslaved right outside Bloodlet Throne but she still wanted to walk me to Mistwatch. Is the guide out of date as it says that vampires will walk you to Bloodlet? Anyway i digress. When i asked a couple of times "are we there yet" she lost her shit with me. I was released then immediately re-enslaved by her and she added some restraints and beat me. Btw I'm not sure why but when receiving punishments, i am hit so hard that i go into bleedout and have to use a black soul gem to avoid potentially getting "rescued" via death alternative. 

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I'm puzzled what patches need a conversion to SSE - some threads have rumors "works as is", but I'm not so sure because there might be hidden bugs. One of them is "Sanguine’s Debauchery Patches" - the base conversions of SD+ are in this thread...



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5 hours ago, BillyG said:

I'm puzzled what patches need a conversion to SSE - some threads have rumors "works as is", but I'm not so sure because there might be hidden bugs. One of them is "Sanguine’s Debauchery Patches" - the base conversions of SD+ are in this thread...




"Sanguine’s Debauchery Patches" should be renamed 'Sanguine Debauchery alternate version'... it is more than a collection of patches at this point, but rather a different vision of what SD should be or what it should do.


That is to say it is less about fixing bugs like what most patches do, and more about enabling different features and ways of doing things.


Only install it if the changes it introduces are absolutely necessary for you.

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Dammnit. Cage scenes still wont work properly for me. The owner tells me to go to the cage but as i step inside i am ported back outside and the door shuts and locks me with me outside the cage. Does anyone else get this issue or have i invented my own personal bug (again). ?

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8 hours ago, BillyG said:

I'm puzzled what patches need a conversion to SSE - some threads have rumors "works as is", but I'm not so sure because there might be hidden bugs. One of them is "Sanguine’s Debauchery Patches" - the base conversions of SD+ are in this thread...


Inte's mod works as is without conversion. All it contains is an esp, scripts, seq and some jsons related to it's MCM configuration, all of which work without conversion. Some people like to redo the seq files and resave the esp, but mostly that's not needed. i've dropped Inte's patches into my load order previously, and it worked ok.


DBF's mod needs conversion as it contains meshes and animations. mostly textures are compatible. but it doesn't hurt to optimize them. Running it through CAO is usually enough.

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3 hours ago, zarantha said:

DBF's mod needs conversion as it contains meshes and animations. mostly textures are compatible. but it doesn't hurt to optimize them. Running it through CAO is usually enough.


Thanks, I'm able to use CAO by now (extract BSA, optimize textures - meshes - animations, repack BSA) so if conversion from LE to SE is not necessarily changing scripts or changing the esp in CCK (the form 43-44 stuff...) I'm good to go :-)

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On 8/16/2021 at 6:23 PM, SidusJk said:

Hi! sorry to bother but im stuck in the dibella sisterhood quest, i dont find Fjotra anywhere after i complete the Travelling Sisters quest, someone can help me?

Might be a silly question, but did you make sure to talk to her when you found her locked up in that Forsworn keep? Or you mean you cant find her when your tasked to go find their Sibil?

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1 hour ago, Rhapsody81 said:

Might be a silly question, but did you make sure to talk to her when you found her locked up in that Forsworn keep? Or you mean you cant find her when your tasked to go find their Sibil?

I did the vanilla mission before installing the mod, after installing the mod i saw her dissappear the first time i entered the temple of dibella, after that, the sisters only tell me that they dont know when she will be back. (Sorry for my broken english)

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1 hour ago, SidusJk said:

I did the vanilla mission before installing the mod, after installing the mod i saw her dissappear the first time i entered the temple of dibella, after that, the sisters only tell me that they dont know when she will be back. (Sorry for my broken english)

broken English is ok :)


I dont know how to fix issues with having already done the quest before doing the mission though. Bluefrog may have to answer that one for you.

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3 hours ago, SidusJk said:

I did the vanilla mission before installing the mod, after installing the mod i saw her dissappear the first time i entered the temple of dibella, after that, the sisters only tell me that they dont know when she will be back. (Sorry for my broken english)


If you did the vanilla mission before the mod, she may be back in that Forsworn keep where you found her.

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Hey Bluefrog... i have one (hopefully final) quick question for ya... 


Started a fresh-game (after finally finishing with adding mods.. well excluding eye-candy things.), i was going threw the MCM to turn on everything and make adjustments to settings.  In the SD+ " Status " page, Immersive Starts is checked, but the top 2 of the Primary Quests and Secondary Quests are pre-checked.  That's the way its suppose to be right?  Then those options light up once a visit to dream-world happens?


Just wanting to make sure i have everything installed correctly for a change >_>




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What am I doing wrong, I install SD Plus and right after the message where it tells me to save ingame and then reload that savegame. I get a bald head, and a loop of messages where my items are taken away with a bounty on my head. and a strange flashing black screen continously. 

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2 hours ago, invisible said:

What am I doing wrong, I install SD Plus and right after the message where it tells me to save ingame and then reload that savegame. I get a bald head, and a loop of messages where my items are taken away with a bounty on my head. and a strange flashing black screen continously. 


What other mods do you have? Sounds more like something related to an alternate start and an ENB issue, not any of these mods.


Maybe try with just this mod and it's requirements, or wait to add it after you've picked your start and started the game.

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9 hours ago, zarantha said:


What other mods do you have? Sounds more like something related to an alternate start and an ENB issue, not any of these mods.


Maybe try with just this mod and it's requirements, or wait to add it after you've picked your start and started the game.

Culprit was being over my 250 esp limit. guess I have to merge a couple of plugins.

Edited by invisible
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