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Epic games


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what are some of the best games you've played or are looking forward to regardless of platform /age etc



Dune 1 and 2 Amiga 1200

GP 500 PC

Geoff Crammond's GP4 PC

Vigilante 8 PS1

CMR series PS1,2 and PC

V Rally 1 and 2 PS1


Streetfighter 2 PS1

Homeworld PC didn't care for the remaster, but it ran on W10 so 10 points just to hear the battle chatter and that voice


Anno 1404




Oblivion PC multi platform


Most looking forward to Mechwarrior 5,Phoenix point,Police 1013


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Emlyn Hughes International Soccer -> C64

Maniac Mansion -> C64

Defender of the Crown -> Amiga 2000

It came from the desert -> Amiga 2000

The secret of Monkey Island -> Amiga 2000

Wipeout -> PS1

Tekken 2 -> PS1

Vampire - The Masquerade Redemption -> Pentium II PCDungeon Siege (and all the sequels) -> Pentium 4 PC

Skyrim -> iCore (various PCs during the years)

Assassin Creed Syndicate -> i7 4790k

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain -> i7  4790K PC

The Witcher 3 -> i7 4790k / i7 8900k PCs

Assassin Creed Odyssey -> i7 8900k PC

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Landstalker - Sega Genesis (still my all time favorite game ever)

Alundra - PSX (spiritual successor to Landstalker), but not Alundra 2

Koudelka and the Shadow Hearts trilogy - PSX and PS2 respectively

Dragon Force - Sega Saturn

Magical Knight Rayearth - Sega Saturn

LUNAR: Silver Star (Story Complete) and LUNAR: Eternal Blue (Complete) - Sega CD (PSX)

Phantasy Star Series - Sega Master System, Genesis, Game Gear, Dreamcast/GameCube, GBA

The Shining Series - Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega Saturn


I'll stop there.

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Quake 1 - PC (also in VR extreme awesome!

Command & Conquer Red Alert 1 - PC

Half-Life 1 - PC (my beginning with 3D design) 

Unreal Tournament 2004 - PC (best UT of all) 

Grim Fandango - PC (best Adventure of all.... sorry monkey island fans :P)  

Heretic 2 - PC (this game is also extreme awesome, sadly you can't buy it anymore) 

Mass Effect 1 - PC (birth of an awesome franchise.... later raped and killed by EA)  

Lula: The Sexy Empire - PC (My first "adult" game :classic_blush:

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For me in no particular order:

1. Mass Effect

2. Original Command and Conquer

3. Diablo

4. Witcher series (all are good).

5. Borderlands 1 and 2.

6. Red Alert

7. Total Annihilation (still playing this!!!).

8. Dark Souls series.

9. Dead Island

10. Homeworld Series

11. Mount and Blade Series

12. Total War Series

13. Postal Series

14. STALKER Series

15. Saints Row Series.

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