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Change Log / Previous Versions [<=v4.11 (40026) (2023-03-24)]


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.11 (40026) (2023-03-24):

  • Major Fix: Addressed serious issue that could cause the mod to not function at all after installation. The most obvious symptom of this was an empty Aroused Creatures MCM that would then cause the entire MCM system to stop responding until closed and reopened. This issue was encountered when trying to access certain MCM pages while the mod was still initializing after first installation, such as during a new game. Repairing this required a clean installation of the mod. Working around it simply meant not opening the AC MCM until the mod was fully initialised, which usually takes seconds depending on local performance.
  • Added: External notification storage system. This pulls notification text from a JSON file, allowing for easier customisation and translation without recompiling the scripts. The file can be found at Data/SKSE/Plugins/ArousedCreatures/slacNotifications.json. The tagging and token system is still in flux so don't commit to any major edits for now unless you are prepared to redo them in future.
  • Added: Option to reduce creature arousal threshold for naked victims. This is a percentage of the normal creature arousal threshold and defaults to 100%. This only applies to automatic engagement for now.
  • Added: Option to allow male NPCs to be pursued by male and female creatures in PC/NPC Auto Settings > Male NPCs (Default: None). When a creature is allowed to pursue a male NPC the actual outcome depends on the Required Arousal and Consent options in the Male NPCs section. If the Male NPC > Consent option is set to Creature Only, the male NPC will always be the victim. If it is set to Adaptive then they can be aggressor or victim.
  • Changed: Switched to positive tag matching for oral animations. Negative matching made sense when there were very few animations and some with iffy tagging, but the area is much better populated these days thanks to all the SLAL pack authors. This may result in some inappropriate animations being included in oral pools due to errors in tagging on the animations, but this is not something Aroused Creatures should be policing.
  • Changed: PC/NPC Auto Settings > Sex & Gender > Allow FF/MM options are now a single, clickable text option. This is purely to save an MCM option line as we are up against the 128 limit on that page.
  • Changed: The global cooldown option under General Settings has been replaced by updated PC/NPC cooldown options. There is now a Cooldown Type which can be set to Global and prevent all auto engagements for a time, including with the PC, or to personal cooldowns for NPCs, creatures, or both. Personal Creature cooldowns (or Personal Both) will also prevent the PC being engaged automatically by creatures on cooldown. These settings do not affect direct or dialogue invitation.
  • Changed: Cooldowns are now displayed in minutes in the MCM and extended to a max of two hours.
  • Changed: Aggressive Animations start page will only display recent animations if the user specifically requests them. This is to avoid the delay in opening this menu.
  • Changed: Aroused Creatures will no longer contribute the New Game notification spam unless the debug option has been enabled by adding an empty debugslac.txt file to the Data/SKSE/Plugins/ArousedCreatures folder before launching. Notification about Mid-game updates will still be shown.
  • Changed: Default Invite Arousal threshold increased to 40.
  • Changed: Initial and default Follower Gender for dialogue is now Female (was Both).
  • Fixed: Allow Light Armor setting not properly recorded in saved profiles.
  • Fixed: Trans options not functioning in most circumstances.
  • Fixed: Oral engagement signal not cleared between queued engagements, leading to incorrect notifications.
  • Fixed: Incorrect error code for failed pursuit involving the PC.
  • Fixed: Struggle widget position changing after quick-cleaning player (LCtrl + Target Select Key)
  • Fixed: Allowed Creatures settings incorrectly interpreted causing any male/female and PC/NPC setting to apply to all actors regardless.
  • Fixed: Rough consensual NPC engagements triggered through dialogue reporting as non-consensual.
  • Fixed: Follower and creature dialogue pairing option showing when selected partner is in another cell.
  • Fixed: Several errors in MCM option descriptions.
  • Issue: Maintenance tasks executed when loading a save are taking considerably longer due to the additional processing of the notifications JSON.
  • Issue: Reloading the notifications JSON in-game from the MCM > Other Settings > Notifications Testing options may not pick up alterations from external apps in some environments. Try a quick save and load to get a new file version.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.11.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.10 (40022) (2022-12-22):

  • Added: Max SexLab Animations option to prevent new automatic engagements if there are too many SL animations already running. This might help limit the performance impact of concurrent automatic animations.
  • Added: Options for customising the position of the struggle meter under Dialogue & Interactions > Player Struggle.
  • Added: Options for separately selecting the preferred positions in animations for male/female actors with male/female creatures.
  • Added: Check for SL Aroused StorageUtil data for armor that should be treated as naked.
  • Added: Separate roll selection options for male/female PC/NPC and male/female creatures under Other Settings, e.g. setting Male Roll With Male Creature to Female will mean male NPCs are be treated as female for animation selection. These apply to both auto and elective engagements.
  • Added: Option to attempt automatic engagement between PC and horse after riding refusal. This is dependant on the creature arousal threshold and consent options under PC Auto Settings. Having a lower refusal threshold than creature arousal threshold will mean the horse will not always engage after bucking.
  • Added: Sex restriction options for creatures for direct and dialogue invitation under Dialogue & Interaction. Inviting a disallowed sex will produce a simple "not interested" notification (if notifications are enabled), dialogue options will not appear for disallowed sexes.
  • Added: Option to allow/disallow creatures queuing for engaged male actors (PC/NPC Auto Settings > Male NPC Arousal & Consent).
  • Added: Minimum arousal threshold option for hostile and combat engagement testing states. These options will still break combat.
  • Added: Separate PC/NPC options to allow disallow followers/non-followers for auto-engagement under PC/NPC Auto Settings > Allowed NPC/Creature Followers.
  • Added: Pop-up warning on game load when there is a mismatch between the Utility, Player and Config scripts. This is intended to help users trying to use incompatible Aroused Creatures patches. The warning can be suppressed under Other Settings > Fixes. Script mismatches will also be indicated on the Help page.
  • Added: Option to disable AC-handled stripping under Other Settings > Compatibility > Disable AC Stripping. This means that actors will not strip for invite animations and will dress and undress between queued engagements.
  • Added: Compatibility option for Toys devices under Other Settings > Compatibility > Disallow Toys Blocked. NOT TESTED! This just blocks engagement for actors wearing a device or set of devices that prevents any penetrative sex. If vaginal, anal or oral is possible then engagements will proceed, even if there are no animations specific to the unblocked form of sex.
  • Added: Allow enabling AC debug mode by adding a file named "debugslac.txt" to the Data/SKSE/Plugins/ArousedCreatures folder. Starting a game or loading a save while this file is present will enable debugging immediately and without informing the user. Important: this technique can only be used to enable debug mode, removing the file will not disable it.
  • Added: Notifications for ending engagements and queue progression. These are shown if the appropriate Show Notifications option is enabled under Other Settings.
  • Added: Option to allow/prevent suitors from abandoning the player for another partner.
  • Changed: IMPORTANT - there has been some rationalisation in the way sex is selected and stored in the MCM options. This means that upgrading to this version will change the way sex selection is stored. If downgrading to previous versions of Aroused Creatures some sex selection options may be incorrect. You may want to make a backup profile before updating to this version in case you wish to roll back to a previous version later (though this is not recommended - if downgrading you should return to a save in which that version was installed).
  • Changed: Previous global FF/MM restriction under General Settings can now be found as separate PC/NPC options under PC/NPC Auto Settings. These restrictions only apply to auto engagements.
  • Changed: Moved Trans and Animation Selection options from PC/NPC Auto Settings to Other Settings as these configurations apply to all situations, not just auto engagements.
  • Changed: Removed Allow Male Receiver options from PC/NPC Auto Settings, replaced by separate position preference options for male/female PC/NPC and male/female creatures. Now found under Other Settings as they apply to all animation filtering.
  • Changed: "Mod Active" is now labeled "Mod Enabled" in the MCM to make it clearer what this option does.
  • Changed: Aroused Creatures MCM version now shown in Help page. This is the internal version tracking value used primarily for triggering update functions.
  • Changed: Increased max Engage Radius from 200ft to 384ft to match max cloak/scan radius. Setting it this high is generally a bad idea as it makes pursuits more likely to time-out but that doesn't mean it should not be an option.
  • Changed: Allowed signal, session, and persistent data to be stored globally in some cases rather than requiring a defined Form.
  • Changed: Converted some MCM options from modal menus to clickable text where there are five or fewer options.
  • Changed: Some additional engagement failure reporting for direct invitation filtering (creature sex and running engagements).
  • Changed: Allow Combat Engagements now allows engagements with actors in bleedout.
  • Changed: Line Of Sight, if enabled, will now only be checked at the beginning of pursuit started through auto-engagement. Due to the unreliability of the HasLOS() Papyrus function this relies upon, the option has been moved to the Other Settings page to de-emphasise it for users.
  • Changed: Increased debugging output for animation filtering. Since this is a very busy bit of code, this could result in significant delays for animation spin-up while debugging is active.
  • Changed: Stripping and invite animations for dialogue engagements are no longer skipped for male PCs. The invite animation options under Dialogue & Interactions determines the result.
  • Changed: Allow Combat Engagements now overrides the Combat Cooldown option under Other Settings > Fixes.
  • Changed: Removed extraneous queue progression code from auto engagement checks. This is now handled entirely through mod events.
  • Changed: Creature races disallowed for auto-engagement will no longer become suitors.
  • Changed: Current suitors will not abandon the player if the player's arousal drops after joining. They will still leave if their own arousal drops below the invite threshold.
  • Changed: Invite Opens Dialogue now obeys the invite creature sex requirement.
  • Changed: PC and NPC notification options moved from PC/NPC Auto Settings to Other Settings, as the options are not exclusive to automatic engagements. The PC/NPC Auto Settings page is also close to the option limit and the space may be needed for other settings.
  • Changed: SexLab Aroused naked armor faction no longer overrides the armor restrictions defined in PC/NPC Auto Settings > Armor & Clothing
  • Changed: Check Frequency renamed Scan Delay to better indicate its current function (delay between subsequent scans).
  • Changed: General Settings > Cooldown default reduced to 0.
  • Fixed: Disallow Charmed compatibility options not functioning for creatures.
  • Fixed: PC/NPCs remaining stripped after failed animation under some circumstances such as a failed SL animation thread with the last creature in a queue.
  • Fixed: Incorrect race key string in direct invitation notification.
  • Fixed: Voluntary aggressive (rough) animations started through dialogue triggering struggle UI.
  • Fixed: Consensual rough animations being treated as non-consensual in SL stats.
  • Fixed: Male NPC Arousal threshold under PC/NPC Auto Settings not recorded in saved profiles.
  • Fixed: Allow Hostile Engagements option not properly handled in actor testing. This may have allowed hostile creatures to start pursuits in some circumstances (usually masked by location restrictions).
  • Fixed: Legacy collars not correctly added to collars form list on last update. Probably too late now, but fixed anyway.
  • Fixed: Collars FormList length only limited in display, not actual added forms. This could have led to stability issues if there were more than 256 collars registered. New soft cap is 100.
  • Fixed: Dead actors reported as valid targets for engagement when using Target Select.
  • Fixed: Aroused Creatures still registered for input, animation, and mod events after being disabled in the MCM.
  • Fixed: Disabling Aroused Creatures in the MCM not stopping horse activation blocking/unblocking behaviour.
  • Fixed: Various corrections in MCM option descriptions.
  • Fixed: Force greet package still sticking under some circumstances, causing creature to slowly follow the player. There are now two passive regular checks for this on looking away from an actor and on each round of scanning.
  • Fixed: Force greet clean up logging missing actor ID.
  • Fixed: "Either With Invite" Required Arousal options not applying reliably for male actors.
  • Fixed: Unwilling creatures joining queues to be assaulted by male roll partners.
  • Fixed: No failure codes reporting in logs under some circumstances when unable to add a creature to a queue.
  • Fixed: Male arousal threshold default incorrectly applied to collared arousal in slider UI.
  • Fixed: Devious Devices compatibility option not cleared when removing Devious Devices from the load order. This might generate None errors in the log and may affect stability. Reminder: Do not remove mods mid-game!
  • Fixed: Some spelling and syntax errors in notifications. There are probably more...
  • Fixed: Suitors auto-engaging NPCs. For now, suitors will not abandon the player to chase an NPC unless timing out or being chased away with drawn weapons (if enabled). This may require a specific option in future.
  • Fixed: Using dialogue to engage a creature while another creature is already instructed to pursue an NPC causes the two creatures to trade places.
  • Fixed: NPC pursuit option in Creature Dialogue allowing creatures to switch targets mid-pursuit.
  • Fixed: Dead creature inventories blocked in some cases. Note that Convenient Horses may also cause blocking of horse corpses - not fully investigated, possible BlockActivation conflict.
  • Fixed: Removed redundant default option code from MCM script. Toggle options, by their nature, cannot have defaults. That said, there may be room for implementing something like Shift-Click to set to default.
  • Fixed: None refs in debug output for NPC scanning debug results.
  • Fixed: Blocking package debug reporting on creatures only reporting SLAC packages. This has been removed as it just made searching the logs for actual bugs more difficult.
  • Fixed: Follower dialogue option showing for unloaded creatures.
  • Removed: Old SexLab Nude Creatures compatibility scripts.
  • Issue: Failure code descriptions on Help page occasionally do not match up with the displayed code.
  • Issue: There is a lot more debug output these days, especially in animation filtering, which can seriously impact performance in some cases and will certainly bloat the papyrus log. Do not enable the Debug option unless you are actually trying to debug Aroused Creatures.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.10.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.09 (40017) (2021-11-29):

  • Added: "Either With Invite" option added to basic Required Arousal settings in PC/NPC Auto Settings. This allows creatures to start non-consensual engagements for unaroused victims but aroused victims can also start consensual engagements with creatures that meet the Invite Arousal level set under Dialogue & Interactions. This fills a gap in behaviour between Either and Both where NPCs could start engagements which creatures at 0 arousal or engagements would never be naturally non-consensual.
  • Added: Option to override the allowed armor options for particular equipped items in PC/NPC Auto Settings. This option applies to all armors of that type for both PC and NPCs. To select the armor equipped by an NPC use the Target Select key (default N) on them before opening the MCM. Setting the armor to "default" clears the setting. Base armor type is always shown in the info text at the bottom of the UI when the option is highlighted.
  • Added: Option to restrict Horse Refusal based on the sex of the animal in Dialogue & Interactions (Default: Male).
  • Added: Option to allow suitors to ignore drawn weapons in Dialogue & Interactions.
  • Added: Individual options for Allow Heavy Armor, Allow Light Armor and Allow Clothing in PC/NPC Auto Setting. These replace the Only When Naked option. Disabling all three is the equivalent of Only When Naked. These options are bypassed by direct and dialogue invite as well as setting armor as naked in SexLab Aroused.
  • Added: Option to negate all filter tags for Aggressive Animations list. So it's now possible to filter for animations are not Aggressive.
  • Added: Basic Devious Devices compatibility option under Other Settings > Compatibility & Fixes which, by default, prevents engagements with actors wearing devices blocking all penetrative sex. If even one type of sex is permitted - vagina, anal, oral - then they can be engaged. This does not currently filter animations.
  • Changed: Allowed Creatures can now be applied separately for PC and NPCs. Also the options are now for None, Male, Female or Both, defaulting to Both. Rather than menu options these cycle through the four options on clicking. So chickens can now be prevented from pursuing female NPCa but can still be pursued themselves by male NPCs.
  • Changed: Suitors will automatically become queued for the PC if queuing is enabled and there are slots available.
  • Changed: PC controls will no longer be locked during animation spin-down or transition if queuing is disabled or the actor's queue is empty.
  • Changed: Animations in the Aggressive Animations lists will now be greyed out if they are disabled in the SexLab Animation Toggles.
  • Changed:    All queued creatures are forcibly dispersed when loading a save during active engagement to avoid issues with mod events failing after load in some circumstances.
  • Changed: Collar system switched from StorageUtil to vanilla FormList which is faster, more flexible, and allows tracking unequipped collars or those on absent NPCs.
  • Changed: Combat will no longer interrupt ongoing animations unless On-Hit Interrupt is enabled under General Settings. This should improve results with mods attempting to calm creatures periodically causing them briefly change combat state.
  • Changed: Due to the above actors will no longer be added to monitoring system unless On-Hit Interrupt is enabled as the monitored events will be redundant.
  • Changed: Removed basic hostility check from direct and dialogue invitations. This is to try and stave off one of the more commonly reported issues and allow One With Nature and similar behaviour mods to function as expected. This may result in the ability to send NPCs or creature off to their deaths.
  • Changed: Flexibility in NPC search count limit to prevent actor preference setting being immediately invalidated in some cases. This means the search can when necessary iterate through five actors even if you've limited it to four.
  • Fixed: NPC scanning system returning a maximum of 8 actors instead of 10.
  • Fixed: Aggressive creature dialogue option for the PC only returning consensual animations.
  • Fixed: Early script event execution in AE and perhaps high-performance SE builds potentially causing PC dialogue invitations to fail unexpectedly.
  • Fixed: Trans and Elder options in PC/NPC Auto Settings preventing dialogue and direct invitations.
  • Fixed: Some failures for PC auto engagements incorrectly producing "[missing actor]" debug output.
  • Fixed: Current suitors not cleared after setting number of suitors to 0 in the MCM.
  • Fixed: Daedra NPCs ignored by auto engagement scans.
  • Fixed: Elder NPC setting not recorded in saved profiles.
  • Fixed: Creature sex not properly handled with trans "Either" options.
  • Fixed: Victims unstripping between engagements with queued creatures if one of the creatures fails to start an animation.
  • Fixed: Target Select spell projectile sometimes passing through horses and other large creatures. ETA, still seems to be an issue on occasion: aim for the spine or limbs.
  • Fixed: Actors in the SexLabForbidden faction starting pursuits they cannot complete.
  • Fixed: Slow HasKeyWordString function used in frequent actor testing procedures.
  • Fixed: Signal data not properly cleaned during game load maintenance and actor cleaning.
  • Fixed: Scan result debugging resulting in trace output errors.
  • Fixed: Allowed Creatures options now only apply to auto engagements and will no longer prevent direct or dialogue invitation of disallowed creatures.
  • Fixed: Several restriction settings for auto engagements inappropriately applying to invitations.
  • Fixed: Creatures wasting time scanning for partners despite not being allowed in the MCM.
  • Fixed: Some silent creatures occasionally refusing to speak to player despite dialogue settings.
  • Fixed: Some creatures stuck in force greet package after refusing to speak to the player.
  • Fixed: Failed NPC pursuit started by creature dialogue not producing suitable notification or debug output.
  • Other: Switched remaining option-related raw StorageUtil functions for managed SLAC data system to provide better management and cleaning operations.
  • Other: Decamped SLAC data handling functions to a separate script.
  • Issue: Previously configured collars will not be tracked. AC will try to convert existing collars to the replacement FormList system only when they are examined in the MCM Other Settings Page. This requires them to be equipped on the PC or a targeted NPC.
  • Issue: Setting a lot of creatures to Not Allowed on the Allowed Creatures page may result in noticeably slower scans.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.09.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.08 (40011) (2021-10-08):

  • Fixed: Direct Invites broken after update.
  • Fixed: Dialogue invitations allowing invitation of hostile creatures or creatures that cannot be animated.
  • Fixed: Menu conditions causing trace log errors.
  • Fixed: Suitors functionality blocked while both PC and NPC auto engagements are disabled.
  • Fixed: Trans options not applying to suitors.
  • Fixed: Misleading option name for Suitor arousal configuration (option applies to PC arousal not creature - creatures use the invite threshold)
  • Fixed: PC suitors cleared incorrectly when starting NPC animation.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.08.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.07 (40010) (2021-10-05):

  • Added: Option to permanently block targeted actors from automatic engagements: use Target Select key on actor then find the block/allow option on the Help MCM page.
  • Added: Option to exclude familiars / summons from automated engagements for PC and/or NPCs - invitation bypasses restriction.
  • Added: Option to select initial page when opening the Aroused Creatures MCM (Other Settings > Fixes). In case of problems hold down LCTRL when selecting AC MCM page to bypass initial page selection.
  • Added: Debug Shaders option in General Settings > Performance that applies detection glow to creatures and NPCs found and processed by the SLAC. This highlights creatures found by the initial scan cloak in red, then highlights a creature currently being processed in orange, and finally highlights any NPCs scanned by that creature's process in blue.
  • Added: Experimental VR compatibility option (Other Settings) which, for now, simply adds a fallback for the absence of crosshair events. These events are still required for handling mounts so if using this then horse dialogue should be disabled under Dialogue & Interactions.
  • Added: Warning message when enabling General Settings > Debug if any of the related INI settings are not set (bEnableLogging = 1, bEnableTrace = 1, bLoadDebugInformation = 1). Debug can still be enabled with the warning
  • Changed: ActiveMagicEffect scripts for actor event tracking moved to quest aliases for better management. That should be the last of the old-style cloak effects removed. The legacy clean-up functions will remain in place at least until the next beta. There are still AME scripts but they are applied individually and directly such as the target select spell.
  • Changed: Victim scanning system updated to allow increase in NPC limit and provide base for future functionality build-out.
  • Changed: Aggressive Animations MCM page updated to move filtering and bulk tag updating from the home page to the animation list display.
  • Fixed: Dialogue features still available even when mod disabled in MCM (General Settings > Mod Active).
  • Fixed: PC interrupted by auto engagement during invite animation.
  • Fixed: Profile page requiring manual page reload to show changes after saving.
  • Fixed: Other Options > Allow Combat Engagements test mode not functioning while player in combat state. Reminder that this option is for testing purposes only and will cause issues with combat.
  • Fixed: Incorrectly cast references in NPC scanning and suitor handling which caused minor unpredictable behaviour.
  • Fixed: NPC cooldown displaying PC cooldown in MCM (display error only).
  • Fixed: NPC Global Cooldown setting recorded incorrectly in profiles.
  • Fixed: Aggressive Animations list pagination not working when filtered by race and/or tag.
  • Fixed: Loading profiles with empty allowed creature race lists causing all races to become disallowed. The only time a profile will have an empty allowed race list is if the profile is saved before creatures are enabled in the SexLab config.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.07.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.06 (40009) (2021-05-06):

  • Added: Option to increase delay for strip animation or to disable it under Dialogue & Interactions > Invite > Invite Strip Delay (this option currently applies to all stripping events for PC and NPCs).
  • Changed: Increased default strip delay to 3 seconds.
  • Fixed: prevent direct invitation or dialogue with silent creatures currently involved in pursuits. Script lag is an issue so pursuits can still trigger at inappropriate moments because the process was started before the visible events.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.06.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.05 (40008) (2021-03-30):

  • Added: Option to dump current settings to the trace log. Useful for getting users' config data without having to ask for individual settings. This will dump automatically on loading a game in which the Debug option is enabled.
  • Changed: Improved explanation of "quest" failure code to include potential solution.
  • Fixed: Some collar settings not recorded in saved profiles. This still does not record actual collar forms so something set as a collar in one game will NOT become a collar in another game when the profile is loaded.
  • Fixed: Unnecessary unstrip operation on player when using the direct invite key to trigger dialogue.
  • Fixed: Mashing invite key on a creature causing input queuing.
  • Fixed: Hotkey invite causing conflicting invite animation during SL animation.
  • Fixed: Updates not mirrored to non-English Interface translation files.
  • Fixed: Aggressive Animations MCM page generating errors when opened before running a SexLab animation.
  • Fixed: Group creature search incorrectly handling gendered creature tagging.
  • Fixed: Dialogue available on non-teammate creatures despite All Creature Dialogue being disabled.
  • Fixed: Creatures failing some arousal tests even with thresholds set to 0.
  • Fixed: Certain creature dialogue options missing on initial interaction.
  • Fixed: Some MCM pop-up dialogues not using localisation. The localisation strings for ShowMessage() do not support interpolation so any message that requires data to be inserted will need recompilation for translation.
  • Issue: Due to the fixes in FindExtraCreatures() the function now operates as intended but also more slowly. While Debug is enabled a search of ten nearby creatures can take up to 15 seconds. Successful searches may be faster than those that return no compatible creatures. This can add significant delay to direct and dialogue invitations for group animations. The delay for automatic group engagement should not be noticeable hidden as it is performed silently before an engagement starts.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.05.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.04 (40007) (2021-02-23):

  • Added: Option to switch between "Line" and "Circle" queue types (PC/NPC Auto Settings). "Line" causes creatures to form a loose queue depending on their direction of approach - this is the existing type. the new "Circle" type allows creatures to crowd around the victim.
  • Changed: Queues can now advance instead of being abandoned if a creature queued creature fails to engage. This may mean a slower escape from queues under adverse conditions such as entering a combat state.
  • Changed: Animation filtering now uses a different method when preparing an SL thread that should slightly improve performance. However performance is still heavily dependant on the number of animations and available SexLab caching.
  • Fixed: Trans settings not properly processed in victim selection.
  • Fixed: Some log output showing empty strings for actor details.
  • Fixed: Player queue failing due to controls blocked by current SL animation under some circumstances.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.04.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.03 (40006) (2021-02-07):

  • Added: Experimental trans options for PC and NPC under PC/NPC Auto Settings. Direct invite and dialogue option support for trans will be patchy or non-existent for now.
  • Added: Basic location restriction options such as dungeons, cities, inns.
  • Added: Options to configure consensual nature of subsequent queuing engagements.
  • Added: Option to open creature dialogue using the invite hotkey (does not work with Convenient Horses handled mounts).
  • Added: Player Quick Clean option (look away from other actors and use LShift+LCtrl+TargetSelectKey (Default:N). This is for critical issues such as loss of control and should not be used during animations. But if you find you need to use it a lot then please report the issue along with a Papyrus log.
  • Added: Personal cooldown options for PC and NPCs. This only applies to auto engagements, not hotkey or dialogue invites.
  • Added: Dialogue options to invite creature groups.
  • Added: Additional test for SL functionality looking at enabled creature races under Aroused Creatures MCM > Help.
  • Added: Display saved profile names in profile list with a clearer indication when saving will overwrite an existing saved profile.
  • Added: Option to skip animation filtering during SL thread start-up. This for testing purposes only and will remove filtering for aggressive and female creature animation and so will likely not be a satisfactory option for normal gameplay.
  • Added: Allow Hostile Engagements and Allow Combat Engagements options. These are for testing purposes and will likely not work they way you expect (or at all in some cases).
  • Changed: Conditions for creature detection altered to allow some actors that do not carry the usual ActorTypeCreature keyword.
  • Changed: Pushed invite animation functions to a separate script to accommodate future customisation without having to overwrite the whole slac_Utility script
  • Changed: Removed position adjustment before playing invite animation on PC as this is a big performance hit.
  • Changed: "My horse needs attention" dialogue option now only shows if the animal's arousal meets the Creature Arousal threshold under Dialogue & Interactions > Creature Commands.
  • Changed: Familiars are now actively blocked from creature dialogue due to conflicts with the force greet package. They can still be invited via hotkey or follower dialogue.
  • Changed: Clarification of the "invalid" failure code for riding/flying/disabled/unloaded/child characters.
  • Changed: From this version forward the mod and assets will be released under GPLv3 only. This is just to simplify the licensing and make it clearer for those wishing to build upon it in future. Previous versions remain under GPLv3+CC along with unchanged assets carried forward. For example, the logo in its current form is still CC-By-SA even if you take it from the GPLv3-only version.
  • Fixed: NPC spines twisting during invite animation (hopefully final).
  • Fixed: Cleaning player causing interruption of critical animation events such as drawn weapons.
  • Fixed: Follower dialogue options appearing on either sex regardless of sex settings in MCM.
  • Fixed: Player forced out of non-pausing menus such as crafting by stagger animations and actor cleaning, potentially introducing game-breaking and non-recoverable control issues.
  • Fixed: Player invite animation broken after using undressing animation for stripping.
  • Fixed: Sex identification issues with female orcs.
  • Fixed: Some silent creatures not available for forced dialogue despite Allow Silent Creatures configuration.
  • Fixed: Creature dialogue showing no usable sex options if a creature's arousal drops below the required threshold after being asked to follow the player.
  • Fixed: Missing description for "missing" failure code.
  • Fixed: SL Clean System causing log spam while browsing MCM due to unregistered animations.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.03.7z


Above this point all versions of Aroused Creatures are released under GPLv3 only.


Below this point all versions of Aroused Creatures are released under GPLv3+Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike.


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.02 (40002) (2020-12-19):

  • Added: Option to name profiles before saving. The name will appear in the info area when hovering over the profile entry.
  • Changed: Wording of PC/NPC Settings to indicate that they deal with automated/"random" engagements.
  • Changed: Convenient Horses compatibility option now automatically identifies and activates for Immersive Horses. This uses the same behaviour of preventing dialogue with the player's mount to avoid double activation.
  • Changed: Convenient Horses will be recognized in mod check even if form IDs do not match the expected values.
  • Changed: Trans options removed for now. An overhaul of the trans options to add more flexibility was in progress but, once again, integrating all the permutations became an unreasonable time-sink. The old filtering options were barely function so it did not seem worth reinstating them.
  • Fixed: Activating player horse not properly checking for CH/IH handling when activating for the first time.
  • Fixed: Direct PC group invitation non-functional when both PC and NPC automated engagements are disabled.
  • Fixed: Rapid activation and de-activation of the mod via MCM potentially causing race condition during in-progress scans.
  • Fixed: Disabling the mod in the MCM would not correctly halt an in-progress creature pursuit started through dialogue.
  • Fixed: Enabling some options in the MCM that need to start quests causing the entire MCM to become unresponsive until it is closed and reopened.
  • Fixed: Horse dialogue options available when non-follower creature dialogue is permitted even when horses are not.
  • Fixed: Horse activation not correctly unblocked when looking away from Convenient Horses / Immersive Horses handled mounts.
  • Fixed: Allow Male Receiver option leaking between PC and NPC settings.
  • Fixed: Missing description for "notcreature" failure code.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.02.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.01 (40001) (2020-04-18)

  • Added: Option to hide the struggle meter even if the widget is available from the Defeat mod.
  • Added: Player can be selected while not targeting any other actor by holding down Ctrl and using the Target Select key (default N). This is for debugging purposes and does not set the PC as a dialogue target as with NPCs.
  • Added: If the PC is in a scene the ID of the owning quest will be shown as Current PC Scene Quest under Other Settings > Compatibility & Fixes. Clicking on this will display more information including the name of the mod adding the quest.
  • Added: Explicit engagement failure codes on creatures for PC in combat and for Combat Cooldown (Other Settings).
  • Added: When Aroused Creatures Debug mode is enabled (General Settings) creatures failing a validity check due to pursuing an actor will have their currently running AI package and its owning quest output to the console and papyrus log. This is to help identify mods that may be overriding Aroused Creatures packages and preventing creatures from pursuing victims.
  • Added: Race and Tag filters for the Aggressive Animations list. Both filters can be cleared by holding down Ctrl while selecting the Aggressive Animations page tab on the left.
  • Fixed: Inappropriate dialogue option to ask followers to approach hostile creatures which they cannot engage.
  • Changed: Allow Male Receiver for PC and NPCs is now enforced rather than suggested when both participants are male.
  • Changed: Target selection (default N) will now test creature targets for hostility against the player and show the appropriate failure notification.
  • Changed: "Aroused Creatures Ready" notification will now only display when loading a save if the Aroused Creatures Debug option (General Settings) is enabled in the save.
  • Chnaged: Profiles options moved to dedicated MCM page.
  • Changed: Aggressive Animations Toggles MCM page name changed to just Aggressive Animation as part of measures to alleviate confusion amongst users about the nature of this feature.
  • Changed: Aggressive Animations MCM toggles replaced with text options that explicitly state "Aggressive" or "Consensual". This will hopefully make it clearer that these option do not actually enable/disable the animations but just change their disposition.
  • Changed: Aggressive Animations page will now revert to the home page state when closing the menu.
  • Issue: The primary Aggressive Animations list can be quite slow to load when there are a lot of creature animations, especially when using filters. This is a particular issue when opening the page as there is no way to indicate that the system is doing anything in such a way that it would not prevent it from continuing in the background.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.01.7z


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 RC3 (Beta 13) (32036) (2019-12-21)

  • Added: Suitor option to allow aroused creatures to follow an aroused PC in hopes of being invited. The options can be found under Dialogue & Interactions. Drawing a weapon will dissuade them regardless of the Allow Weapons setting.
  • Added: Separate option to enable/disable the player invite animation for consensual automated engagements.
  • Added: Improved combat and weapon use detection to further reduce unwanted hostile engagements and for more responsive automated engagements and cancellation.
  • Changed: More aggressive combat state and weapon checking and reaction when Allow Weapons is disabled or Weapons Prevent Auto Engagement is enabled.
  • Changed: PC/NPC Settings -> Allow Weapons now defaults to OFF. This will only affect new games, current settings will remain unchanged.[Technically this already defaulting to OFF but the initial settings was still ON in the script properties]
  • Fixed: CTD during loading due to creature race testing. In addition all creature race manipulation functions (currently unused) have been removed.
  • Fixed: Actor stripping function causing conflicting animations if the actor is already naked. Actors not wearing KeywordArmorCuirass or KeywordClothingBody armours are now treated as already stripped regardless of any other equipped items or the (non)consensual nature of the intended stripping.
  • Fixed: Notification for some pursuit phases using wrong creature name/race.
  • Fixed: Male NPCs using female topics and topic info for speechcraft options.
  • Fixed: Failed speechcraft topics returning options in random order.
  • Fixed: Player staggered after reaching the pursuit escape radius.
  • Issue: Poser Hotkeys SE package override can prevent dialogue with affected horses and other normally silent creatures (those without a talk prompt). This is intended behaviour for PH. If there is a particular creature that cannot be talked to then, with PH enabled in the MCM, target them and hit [End] (PH default key).

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 RC3 (Beta 13).7z 204.07 kB · 151 downloads


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 RC2 (Beta 12) (32035) (2019-11-16)

  • Added: Combat Cooldown and other compatibility options under Other Settings -> Compatibility, including toggle for Convenient Horses fix (see below) and filtering of actors based on vanilla calm effects.

  • Changed: Consenting NPCs approached by creatures sent by the player now stop and wait for their partner instead of continuing with their last package.

  • Fixed: Creature dialogue effects for horses interfering with Convenient Horses dialogue. For now this fix just prevents the player mounting instead of talking.

  • Fixed: Creature dialogue option for sending a creature to engage an NPC not functioning.

  • Fixed: Creature dialogue stalling and becoming unavailable in some circumstances.

  • Fixed: NPC not fleeing when pursued by creature sent by the player.

  • Fixed: NPCs using dialogue lines from aggressive pursuit in consensual approach.

  • Fixed: MCM showing toggle option instead of slider in Dialogue & Interaction -> Player's Horse -> Horse Refusal Threshold

  • Fixed: StartCreatureSex() ungraceful error handling when SL cannot provide a thread (installing, updating, thread pool exhausted).

  • Fixed: Unable to use remote target spell after looking at an actor. This is due to a bug in SKSE64 2.0.13 and later that prevents the OnCrosshairRefChange event firing on looking away from an object. This fix should not impact behaviour if the bug is fixed in future SKSE versions.

  • Fixed: Struggle QTE inappropriately available in some engagements.

  • Fixed: some dialogue responses incorrectly identifying horses as belonging to the player.

  • Issue: Player will be unable to use Aroused Creatures dialogue options with their own horse if Convenient Horses is installed. This is due to CH using a stand-in talker object for the horse where AC uses a force greet package.

  • Issue: Convenient Horses will cause the player's horse to temporarily flee when selected with the Aroused Creatures remote target spell. This can be avoided by standing close enough to the horse to see the activation prompt before using the target key.

  • Issue: The NPC invite animation pose may be distorted in some circumstances due to the head tracking IK.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 RC2 (Beta 12).7z 200.4 kB · 78 downloads


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 RC1 (Beta 11) (32034) (2019-10-28)

  • Added: Follower dialogue commands to engage player's horse or a creature chosen with the target selection key (default N)

  • Added: Creature follower dialogue commands to engage the creature or instruct it to approach an NPC chosen with the target selection key (default: N)

  • Added: Invite animation. This is activated for the PC when using the direct invitation hotkey and for NPCs when pursuit is active or when using dialogue option.

  • Added: Remote target selection (default N) will select the actor under the reticle regardless of distance. Note that this does not update SexLab, Aroused, Zaz selections or other mods that use the same target key by default.

  • Added: Option to allow creatures to queue for an engaged PC/NPC and take turns with them. There is also the option to allow queued creatures to leave a queue and pursue other victims.

  • Added: Configurable options for an aroused horse to buck the player off while outside combat, either upon mounting and/or while riding.

  • Added: Experimental stamina-based struggle feature allowing the PC a chance to escape non-consensual engagements. This requires Defeat to be installed (though it can be left disabled) to make use of the meter widget. Without Defeat struggle will still work but with no visible feedback before success or failure.

  • Added: Help MCM page showing possible issues with the installation and codes and explanations for recently failed engagements. For performance reasons the failure codes are only available after enabling the debug option.

  • Added: Recently used animations on first page of Aggressive Animation Toggles.

  • Added: Tags display in the MCM option info panel for Aggressive Animation Toggles lists.

  • Added: Option to reset Aggressive animations to default.

  • Added: Option to add the Aggressive tag to all animations with the Rough tag.

  • Added: A 5-slot Settings Profile save/load feature allowing Aroused Creatures configurations to be recorded and transferred between saves. Collar settings are not currently recorded.

  • Added: Option to clear all SLAC-registered collars. This will work even if they are not currently available for selection on either the player or an NPC

  • Added: Explicit GPL/CC licensing in the mod files.

  • Changed: When selecting an actor with N the notification is now color-coded to show their validity (green for valid, red for invalid). This does not actually test arousal levels so a valid actor can still fail on arousal. Any failure result will be shown in the Help page if debugging is active. The debug option will also show more info in the notification.

  • Changed: Directly inviting a creature now ignores the crouch and weapons settings.

  • Changed: Direct invitation options including hotkey assignment can now be found in the Dialogue & Interractions page of the Aroused Creatures MCM.

  • Changed: Cloak and SL scanning method options removed from the MCM: only quest alias scanning is used now.

  • Changed: Order of pages and options in the MCM. This includes moving some existing options to the new Dialogue & Interactions page. Further changes may be made.

  • Changed: The direct invitation and dialogue options should now bypass the MM/FF restrictions in General Settings and also the Victim Gender restrictions in PC/NPC Settings. This is so that automated engagements can be restricted while still allowing the player to trigger non-female and homosexual engagements at their discretion.

  • Changed: The General Settings > PC/NPC Preference option No Preference now uses proximity rather than a 50% chance of the PC being tested first or last.

  • Changed: Monitoring scripts attached via magic effect are now only applied when General Settings -> On Hit Interrupt is enabled. The script no longer uses RegsiterForSingleUpdate and instead checks the actor condition on effect finish and reapplies it if necessary. This should greatly reduce an already very minor script load for most users.

  • Changed: The debug option is no longer reset automatically when loading a save. A warning will be displayed on the Help page in the MCM if it is left active.

  • Fixed: Some complex MCM options "leaking" (causing one option to activate another).

  • Fixed: Ignore Sleeping/Sitting/Swimming actors option not functioning (the option was treated as being enabled regardless of visible setting).

  • Fixed: Mod events not properly updated on game load.

  • Fixed: Disallowed creature race key list checked unnecessarily on startup.

  • Fixed: NPC pursuit escape radius MCM option not functioning (wrong GlobalVariable used in conditions).

  • Fixed: Aggressive tag defaults applied during game load maintenance causing slow start-up.

  • Fixed: Automated engagements triggering during game load maintenance resulting in delayed animations.

  • Fixed: Engagements starting even when actors are unloaded during cell change. This does not fix the issue caused by SL animations running on unloaded actors causing them to become stuck in SL pose. Manually cleaning the actor (Aroused Creatures MCM -> Other Settings -> Clean Actor) may unstick them. Quicksave and reload also works.

  • Fixed: Active Actor and Active Creature monitoring spells not properly removed from actors after animation.

  • Issue: The remote target spell casts in the direction that the PC is facing which means that using it in third-person might be awkward.

  • Issue: The dialogue options are currently "female first" with male alternates added afterwards. Trans options are not currently supported at all due to the complexity of the task. The results for anything other than female PC/NPC with male creatures will vary in appropriateness.

  • Issue: The struggle option is seriously affected by low FPS which may lead to losing the struggle unexpectedly or the struggle keys becoming unresponsive. Unfortunately papyrus is not well suited for quick time events.

  • Issue: Detection of enemy creatures continues to be very unreliable meaning that AC may occasionally try to have enemy creatures engage the PC or ally NPCs. Keeping the Creature Arousal Threshold at 60 or higher will mean less chance of accidental enemy engagement in hostile environments such as dungeons (this is usually above the initial arousal applied by SL Aroused Redux). NPCs with weapons drawn will now always be ignored. Once a creature has detected the PC or allies they will be successfully detected as enemies by AC.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 RC1 (Beta 11).7z 196.23 kB · 78 downloads


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 Beta 10 (32024) (2019-01-12)

  • Fixed: Player's horse not restricted by disabling Allow Creature Followers.
  • Fixed: Male receiver option still resulting in filtered female creature animations.
  • Fixed: M/M engagement described as mating in notifications.
  • Fixed: Pounce Effect config info text shown for Victim Flees option.
  • Fixed: No log description on engagement test failure in some circumstances.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 Beta 10.7z 94.45 kB · 69 downloads


v04.0 Beta 09 (2018-09-22)

  • Changed: PC Invite now works even if the PC is set to inactive in Aroused Creatures MCM - this allows completely disabling random engagements without having to fudge the settings.
  • Changed: "What are you doing that for?" removed from NPC pursuit dialogue as the delivery is not appropriate for a non-consensual scene.
  • Changed: Pounce action removed - it was simply too disruptive as it could lead to actual combat.
  • Fixed: Only principal attacker able to capture victim - now any creature in a group can end the pursuit.
  • Fixed: Creatures and NPCs walking away after pursuit and then teleporting back for the animation.
  • Fixed: Version Update functions running on first install (harmless).

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 Beta 09.7z 93.63 kB · 77 downloads


v04.0 Beta 08 (2018-09-18)

  • Added: Support and configurable settings for 3-5p animations for both PC and NPCs.
  • Added: Additional support and settings for male NPCs including dedicated pursuit scene.
  • Added: Creature group invitation (hold the invite key for 2 seconds on one creature to also invite nearby creatures of the same species).
  • Added: Configurable capture and escape distances for pursuits.
  • Added: Scan performance timing displayed in MCM General Settings, shown as max, min, and average duration for the last 20 scans.
  • Added: Notification options split for PC and NPCs.
  • Changed: PC invitation notifications will now always be displayed regardless of notification settings.
  • Changed: Allowed creature race keys now update with animation registry.
  • Changed: Improved pursuit mechanics for better chances of creatures reaching their victims in busy areas (victim now stop fleeing beyond a certain distance).
  • Changed: Primary Quest Scan method now stores and reuses collected creature aliases to support group animations.
  • Changed: MCM PC/NPC Settings page cleaned up and organised into sections.
  • Changed: Added conditions that should allow scans to fail sooner if a result is not possible.
  • Fixed: Unused and duplicate creature race keys accumulating in Allowed/Disallowed creature lists.
  • Issue: Group pursuit will only completed when the lead creature (the one initially selected by a scan) reaches the victim. This may result in the victim being surrounded by pursuers but still not caught.
  • Issue: Male NPC support generally assumes either male aggressor or consensual sex for any NPC with male SexLab gender. This may interfere with transsexual filtering (untested).
  • Issue: Updating may generate errors in the papyrus log during the first run due to changes in the core player script. These should be temporary and non-intrusive.
  • Issue: SLNC property error in the papyrus log is there to stay as removing it risks contributing to save corruption.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 Beta 08.7z 93.68 kB · 72 downloads


v04.0 Beta 07 (2018-09-01)

  • Added: Allowed Creatures toggle page in MCM.
  • Added: Orgy Mode options in MCM Other Settings
  • Added: Allow Elders option to MCM NPC Settings (default off)
  • Added: Option to use Device in Slot 46 [Suit] as a victim collar.
  • Changed: Default Scan Frequency returned to every 5 secs.
  • Changed: Only When Naked options now look for armour keywords instead of relying solely on SL Aroused naked faction.
  • Fixed: Empty Aggressive Animation Toggles page after removing/disabling animations in SexLab or SLAL
  • Fixed: Incorrect Collar/Amulet selection in MCM

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 Beta 07.7z 80.77 kB · 70 downloads


v04.0 Beta 06 (2018-06-06)

  • Change: Default Scan Frequency changed from 5secs to 15secs to reflect current Special Edition/SKSE64 performance (will be updated automatically if frequency is currently 5secs).
  • Fix: Transgender conditions producing opposite results (Male/Female transgender settings will be automatically swapped if set).
  • Fix: PC engagements using Scan Radius instead of Engage Radius
  • Other: Removed old version update conditions.

SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 Beta 06.7z 75.29 kB · 72 downloads



Edited by Sailing Rebel
Archiving version 4.11
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I am not new to modding, but I am new to the Sexlab mods.  I am having a problem with the animations for this mod, as you can see from the attached screenshots.  I have regenerated FNIS several times, and check the settings in the MCM, but nothing seems to work.  The human animations are working ok, it's just the creature animations that are 

giving me problems.  Any advice or suggestions would be welcome.



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5 hours ago, Brian D. said:

I am not new to modding, but I am new to the Sexlab mods.  I am having a problem with the animations for this mod, as you can see from the attached screenshots.  I have regenerated FNIS several times, and check the settings in the MCM, but nothing seems to work.  The human animations are working ok, it's just the creature animations that are 

giving me problems.  Any advice or suggestions would be welcome.

SexLab MCM -> Rebuild & Clean and click on Clean System then follow the instructions.

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Update to SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.0 Beta 06.

  • Change: Default Scan Frequency changed from 5secs to 15secs to reflect current Special Edition/SKSE64 performance (will be updated automatically if frequency is currently 5secs).
  • Fix: Transgender conditions producing opposite results (Male/Female transgender settings will be automatically swapped if set).
  • Fix: PC engagements using Scan Radius instead of Engage Radius
  • Other: Removed old version update conditions.

If using the transgender options please keep in mind that they are very limited and may require some finagling. Make sure to check the MM/FF settings under Aroused Creatures MCM -> General Settings as these may block engagements. All male/female sex settings other than transgender use SexLab GetGender() rather than vanilla GetSex().

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On ‎6‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 3:50 AM, Sailing Rebel said:

SexLab MCM -> Rebuild & Clean and click on Clean System then follow the instructions.

Thank you for replying.  I have tried your advice, but the creature animations still won't play.  I think I may have messed up with my mods.  Here are my downloaded mod, LOOT  load order, and FNIS output.  If someone could look these over and tell me where I've screwed up, I would be very grateful.




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2 hours ago, Brian D. said:

Thank you for replying.  I have tried your advice, but the creature animations still won't play.  I think I may have messed up with my mods.  Here are my downloaded mod, LOOT  load order, and FNIS output.  If someone could look these over and tell me where I've screwed up, I would be very grateful.




Unfortunately the only thing I can suggest is to go through the original SexLab Troubleshooting Guide and do your best to follow the instructions as far as you can. Obviously not everything will apply to SexLab SE which is still an early port.

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2 hours ago, th7497 said:

How do I delete it?

Simply remove the mod using your mod manager. Reload your save, use the wait menu [T] to wait 2 hours, then save and quit to desktop. Reload your last save and you should be good to go.


Aroused Creatures doesn't use any storage system directly and known teleportation issues are in the order of a few meters so not worth uninstalling for. If you are getting teleportation to another location in the world then that is likely an issue with the SexLab SE installation. I've never seen storage related errors but it sounds like it could be an issue with JContainers or another mod that uses it such as Creature Framework.

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I'm having a weird issue and I think it may be this mod since it's the only mod I currently have that would even effect the actor involved. Basically I added this to my load order and the Meeko turned invisible. Other creatures remained visible, and when I went back to a much earlier save (before starting ccas as Meeko's Bitch) and restarting it again Meeko was still invisible.


Edit: Nevermind, I had thought it was this mod since it was the only mod I'd added before the issue occurring but it seems that the assets of another mod had somehow deactivated.

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Hmmm no animals seem engage my character, I installed all the mods + the recommended ones and set all thresholds to 0 and tried the invite function, nothing seems to work, is there something I have forgotten?


Also when I press the invite button, all it says is that "x is not interested in mating with you"

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35 minutes ago, G1F said:

Hmmm no animals seem engage my character, I installed all the mods + the recommended ones and set all thresholds to 0 and tried the invite function, nothing seems to work, is there something I have forgotten?


Also when I press the invite button, all it says is that "x is not interested in mating with you"

Ensure that Allow Creature Animations is enabled in SexLab MCM -> Animation Settings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, elzee said:

Please help:

Every time any animal come and try to rape me in Whitrun will teleport me outside whiterun in the air (Even with a short loading screen).

And after sex we all fall from air and die.

SexLab MCM -> Rebuild & Clean -> Clean System then follow the instructions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, kotamaku said:

Hey I am having an issue, unable to get the animations to play regardless of what I do, have done the rebuild and clean but it doesn't seem to fix it as it just happens again and nothing gets fixed.

We'll need a bit more information than that.


Have you run Generate FNIS for Users? Were there any errors? Are participants just standing in place clipping through each other? Are they in T-pose or just using idle animations? Is animation working with other SexLab mods?


Go through the SexLab Troubleshooting Guide, most of which is perfectly valid for SE.

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50 minutes ago, Sailing Rebel said:

We'll need a bit more information than that.


Have you run Generate FNIS for Users? Were there any errors? Are participants just standing in place clipping through each other? Are they in T-pose or just using idle animations? Is animation working with other SexLab mods?


Go through the SexLab Troubleshooting Guide, most of which is perfectly valid for SE.

Whelp not sure how it started working now but it is. I just turned on the debuging to get a log and tried getting it to do the errors and everything starting to work.

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  • 1 month later...
16 minutes ago, elzee said:

Uninstalling this always breaks my save. Even after I unregistered all mods in Creature framework.

I'm not aware of any mods that have Aroused Creatures as a dependency, certainly not Creature Framework.


If your save is reporting as corrupted then it's possible that it has reached a critical level of missing references. In general uninstalling mods mid-playthrough is discouraged.


Instead of uninstalling you can simply disable Aroused Creatures in the MCM under the General Settings tab. This will prevent all AC activity.

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23 hours ago, Sailing Rebel said:

I'm not aware of any mods that have Aroused Creatures as a dependency, certainly not Creature Framework.


If your save is reporting as corrupted then it's possible that it has reached a critical level of missing references. In general uninstalling mods mid-playthrough is discouraged.


Instead of uninstalling you can simply disable Aroused Creatures in the MCM under the General Settings tab. This will prevent all AC activity.

Thank you for the help! I think my save is really reaching the limit as I usually uninstall mods and clean my saves with ReSaver. It's time to start a new game.

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