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Deviously Cursed Loot SE 9.0 (2021-03-09)

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The pillory despawns for sex, fine so far, but after sex it doesn't spawn again and puts me back in place.
I can then walk around, etc. but still get the message that I would still be in the pillory and also the window appears with which I can try to break out...


By the way: Can you actually set how long you have to stay in the pillory and how fast other NPCs take advantage of the situation?

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On 9/22/2021 at 12:32 AM, NoppaiKohai said:

Hmm even rapid quit reload isn't making DCL load in MCM, I'm 99% it's related to using ODefeat and all it's pre-reqs though



Then what you'll probably have to do is the stepped load order. Leave ODefeat and it's requirements off, load only DCL and it's requirements and make sure they're working, then install ODefeat and it's requirements.  After that, install everything else, assuming there were no conflicts between DCL and ODefeat after adding them separately.

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5 hours ago, GerdWagner said:

The pillory despawns for sex, fine so far, but after sex it doesn't spawn again and puts me back in place.
I can then walk around, etc. but still get the message that I would still be in the pillory and also the window appears with which I can try to break out...


By the way: Can you actually set how long you have to stay in the pillory and how fast other NPCs take advantage of the situation?


No ideas on the despawning, other than try to avoid triggering sex from other mods while in the pillory.


No, you can't set how long you're in it. For NPC actions, try fiddling with the settings in the consequences tab. It might only apply to devices, but maybe it will affect the furnitures too.

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After checking every mod individually I found  that Cursed loot se is causing a stall on the game every minute perfectly on time, where the game will freeze for exactly 30 seconds on the dot then return to normal until the next minute lapses. I don't know why, even with the mod being the only one installed (with its required mods of course).


any and all help is appreciated. 

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24 minutes ago, Tomfool13 said:

After checking every mod individually I found  that Cursed loot se is causing a stall on the game every minute perfectly on time, where the game will freeze for exactly 30 seconds on the dot then return to normal until the next minute lapses. I don't know why, even with the mod being the only one installed (with its required mods of course).


any and all help is appreciated. 


You've got too many script heavy mods or your pc isn't able to handle a script heavy mod probably. DCL has a clocktick script that is probably the cause here. It shouldn't be noticeable unless you're already at the limit of what your setup can handle. There is nothing that can be done to stop that script from running, it is a core function of DCL.


Try without 2k/4k textures, decrease your resolution, and/or turn of ENB might help get you more FPS to handle the scripting without stuttering.

Also make sure you've installed SSE Engine Fixes and that it's running properly.

If you're using SMP as well, get Karonar's fixes: https://github.com/Karonar1/hdtSMP64/releases

If you've got a body that uses both CBPC and SMP, reinstall it so it's either entirely CBPC or mostly CBPC and decrease the range where SMP is used for NPCs.

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9 hours ago, zarantha said:


No ideas on the despawning, other than try to avoid triggering sex from other mods while in the pillory.


No, you can't set how long you're in it. For NPC actions, try fiddling with the settings in the consequences tab. It might only apply to devices, but maybe it will affect the furnitures too.

That could be the reason, of course. I have a lot of script intensive mods currently installed. I might have to remove a few which I don't really need.

However, couldn't this be implented similar to the FurnitureFramework?I thought that was actually quite elegantly solved.

But anyway, find the feature really great. Just a pity that at least for me he always chooses only the rather boring ZAD animation for it. I have installed much more great Animations...

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9 hours ago, Tomfool13 said:

I think this might be what's causing it, is there a way to see the amount and or limit of scripts you should or can have for the game?


Not really other than just don't add them. You'll want to go through your mod list and remove mods. Script heavy mods are ones like frostfall, DCL, maria eden, sluts...


If a mod has a couple hundred scripts, or has something that runs all the time, those will usually be the culprit.

Or try the other things I suggested. Large texture increase the strain on the engine, as does running the game in a high resolution or using an ENB  or using HDT SMP. Reducing any of those may make it easier to run the scripts as it won't be using processing power on graphics.

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6 hours ago, GerdWagner said:

However, couldn't this be implented similar to the FurnitureFramework?I thought that was actually quite elegantly solved.

But anyway, find the feature really great. Just a pity that at least for me he always chooses only the rather boring ZAD animation for it. I have installed much more great Animations...


All that was done was to include devious devices contraptions. No idea on the implementation, i just convert it. :)


Kimy is willing to add more animations, the problem is getting the animations to her with the correct permissions from the author to include in the mod. Until that happens, the device filter can only use what she has available,

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Hello I've installed DCL and begin the chloe's quest but the premium line catsuit is invisible.


I have build the assets in bodyslide and until now everything worked fine.

I have all the DD "add on" expansion, integration... and I looked in the files and didn't find any called premium line catsuit but as I didn't find others that worked perfectly it's surely just my fault.


That's everything I can think about.

Please help me I've allready spended too much time making this mod work!!   ; )

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5 hours ago, geothermie said:

Hello I've installed DCL and begin the chloe's quest but the premium line catsuit is invisible.


I have build the assets in bodyslide and until now everything worked fine.

I have all the DD "add on" expansion, integration... and I looked in the files and didn't find any called premium line catsuit but as I didn't find others that worked perfectly it's surely just my fault.


That's everything I can think about.

Please help me I've allready spended too much time making this mod work!!   ; )


You either didn't build the catsuit in DCL, or in DD. Rebuild everything in both mods and make sure the outputs are going to the right place.

You can build the catsuits individually to make sure they are going to the right place. They aren't called premium, all catsuits use the same models. it should be mxw_catsuit



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10 hours ago, zarantha said:


You either didn't build the catsuit in DCL, or in DD. Rebuild everything in both mods and make sure the outputs are going to the right place.

You can build the catsuits individually to make sure they are going to the right place. They aren't called premium, all catsuits use the same models. it should be mxw_catsuit



Thank you for your help but after trying rebuild all and the catsuits individually and reinstall DCL it still doesn't show but others catsuits like the berserker's uniform does.

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11 hours ago, Justalittlesexy said:

How do I edit things like how frequently I find cursed items and how hard it is to break out of them? 


In the MCM menu, there is an option for the frequency. the difficulty levels though, I believe that's in the MCM as well, if not, it would be in the DD MCM directly, I forget though, and I don't have the game running, so it's just from the top of my head

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13 hours ago, YojimboRatchet said:


In the MCM menu, there is an option for the frequency. the difficulty levels though, I believe that's in the MCM as well, if not, it would be in the DD MCM directly, I forget though, and I don't have the game running, so it's just from the top of my head


Oh awesome, I didn't see it in my MCM earlier for some reason but now it's there so it must have loaded or something. The options are currently unavailable since I have a sevice but once I get rid of it I should be able to edit them.

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Don't worry about the CTD issue with the Imperial Sword I had before. It definitely was not DCL. I know, because a Draugr Axe did the same thing when i was inside of Saarthal. When the Netscript log was generated, it listed USSEP totally, along with the Carrying Capacity mod I use.


When I tried to ask the USSEP team for help, and offered to show the logs, they were not helpful or willing to help, and rather rude, without ever checking or asking to see the logs. I guess some people there have major egos and can't be bothered to be respectful and polite, which seems to be a common theme on Nexus lately. Oh well. I'll figure it out on my own, since I obviously will get no help on Nexus, based on experience. (honestly, they should take lessons from the people here.. maybe they'll learn a few things, since people here are pretty amazing).


Anyway, just letting you know, not to worry about it, since it wasn't DD / DCL at all.




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On 9/29/2021 at 8:48 AM, geothermie said:

Thank you for your help but after trying rebuild all and the catsuits individually and reinstall DCL it still doesn't show but others catsuits like the berserker's uniform does.


Then the device may be bugged. Are you on the chloe quest, or just trying to wear it after completing the quest?


If you're on the quest, your best option is to go back to a save before nazeem equipped it and try again.

If you're not on the quest, try unequipping it and re-equipping it.

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I'm having an issue where the settings in the 'rape' menu aren't actually applying. My character gets raped whenever she's naked no matter how many conditions I set. I set it so that it would only happen if the arousal were over a certain value, but that seems to be ignored. Any fixes?


I'm also not getting an option to try and resist. Shouldn't there be a popup that lets you attempt to run?

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2 hours ago, Marajade said:

I'm having an issue where the settings in the 'rape' menu aren't actually applying. My character gets raped whenever she's naked no matter how many conditions I set. I set it so that it would only happen if the arousal were over a certain value, but that seems to be ignored. Any fixes?


I'm also not getting an option to try and resist. Shouldn't there be a popup that lets you attempt to run?


No, there's no resist. What other mods do you have installed? Some others also do rape, DCL's settings wouldn't affect them.

What settings do have for rape, and what is your arousal? Which arousal mod are you using?

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47 minutes ago, zarantha said:

No, there's no resist.

3 hours ago, Marajade said:

I'm also not getting an option to try and resist. Shouldn't there be a popup that lets you attempt to run?

No there is resist in DCL 9.0 and it works automatically as rape starts.




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On 9/26/2021 at 11:43 AM, zarantha said:


Not really other than just don't add them. You'll want to go through your mod list and remove mods. Script heavy mods are ones like frostfall, DCL, maria eden, sluts...


If a mod has a couple hundred scripts, or has something that runs all the time, those will usually be the culprit.

Or try the other things I suggested. Large texture increase the strain on the engine, as does running the game in a high resolution or using an ENB  or using HDT SMP. Reducing any of those may make it easier to run the scripts as it won't be using processing power on graphics.

alright I will try that now, would removing something like project clarity be one of those texture things?

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1 hour ago, Marajade said:

When I bring captives to riverwood to sell to the Slave Trader everyone in town attacks them. Is there a way to stop my captives from being attacked and aggroing everyone in town? They're usually bandits I bring in.


I've not found a way to stop them at all, since it's the faction they belong to. I normally just speak to the Slaver while they're attacking to get the selling option, and that usually works anyway. sometimes they die and sometimes they don't.


The only really solution here that I can think of, would be to have a way that the mod changes the faction of the bandit to the ZaZ slave faction, once you capture them, which would stop the constant aggro. Not sure that can be done though.




Any thoughts on this ?

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