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About This File

Allow ❤️❤️friendly❤️❤️ creatures to take advantage of your character and NPCs.


Any nearby non-hostile creatures with a high enough arousal will pursue and force themselves on (or seduce) your character or any available NPC. There are lots of configuration options to customise your experience, including dialogue and hotkey invitation.


Aroused Creatures is designed to provide an immersive way to enable sex with creatures outside of combat. This is intended to compliment combat-sex mods like SexLab Defeat. As such, Aroused Creatures specifically avoids engagement with hostile creatures in order to allow combat mods like this to function.


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE is developed from the Legendary Edition SexLab Aroused Creatures.


For an LE backport of this mod use OsmelMC Mod Tweaks. Please note that any support for patched versions of Aroused Creatures must be sought from the authors of the patches.



All contained code and assets: GPLv3. Full license included in archive.


Open Source means more and better mods for everyone.

Please consider releasing your own mods under recognized open source licenses
such as GPL, MIT, or CC and help build a foundation for future mod developers.


Hard Requirements

SexLab SE and all of its requirements.

SexLab Aroused Redux SSE and all of its requirements. Other versions of SexLab Aroused should work.


Other Requirements

Fore's New Idles in Skyrim SE (FNIS SE) and FNIS Creature Pack Run Generate FNIS For Users after installing or uninstalling this mod. Nemesis will not work. Without running this, everyone will t-pose.

More Nasty Critters SE, Creature Framework, and Hentai Creatures (third-party port) Creature aroused models and animations. The Hentai Creatures mod also adds spells to spawn female creatures.

Fuz Ro D-oh Silent Voice Silent dialogue readability.

SexLab Defeat SE (Optional) Aroused Creatures is intended to compliment the combat sex features of Defeat. Use this to allow sex with enemy creatures. If installed, this mod also provides the player struggle feedback HUD meter. The Defeat ESP does not need to be enabled if you do not want the combat features but just the struggle meter for non-consensual engagements.


Strongly Recommended

SexLab More Creatures SE Adds more friendly domestic creatures for Aroused Creatures to work with. There will be far fewer opportunities for engagements without this.


Recommended Mods

Billyys Animations for SE (third-party port) Creature group animations.

Horny Creatures of Skyrim SE (third-party port) Adds animations for male NPCs on female creatures.

SLAL SE Animations by Sailing Rebel Adds a few more non-consensual horse animations.

FunnyBizness SLAL Pack (third-party), more animations.

One With Nature - Dynamic Animals and Creatures SE Allows normally hostile creatures such as wolves and deer to be treated as friendly.




Use Mod Organiser 2 (fully supported) or Vortex Mod Manager. Enable the mod and run LOOT. Run Generate FNIS For Users and deal with any warnings or errors (they are all important). NMM and manual installation are not supported as they are simply too unreliable!


Skyrim must be installed outside of Program Files to avoid potential issues with Windows UAC. This is not just an Aroused Creatures issue - modded Skyrim should never be installed in protected areas of the file system. Doing so can prevent SKSE and other modding tools from functioning correctly. Avoid any folder created by Windows itself, including Documents, Desktop, Downloads, etc. Folders in the root of a drive other than C are recommended.


Exclusions must be configured in any antivirus or antimalware apps for the game installation folder, folders containing any modding tools including the mod manager, the mod manager instance or staging folder, and the mods download folder. As with install location, this is an issue for modded Skyrim in general not just Aroused Creatures. Antivirus can interfere with the normal operation of mod managers, SKSE and SKSE plugin mods like SexLab and PapyrusUtil which Aroused Creatures depends on.


Once in-game ensure that SexLab is fully installed - this requires opening the SexLab MCM, clicking the Install option, exiting the menu then waiting for SexLab's "Ready" notification at the top left of the screen. Once SL installation is complete open the SexLab MCM again, choose the Animations Settings page and uncheck the Disable Starting Teleport option (to speed up animation start), then enable the Allow Creature Animations option (to install creature support). Close the menu and wait for the message that creature animations have been installed. Aroused Creatures will be active as soon as creature animation installation has finished.


By default, Aroused Creatures does not display any notifications during initial installation. This is to avoid contributing to new-game notification spam.


It is recommended to edit the SexLab Aroused settings to reduce the check/cloak frequency to once every 15 seconds. This will make arousal changes more responsive.


Check the Aroused Creatures MCM > Help page for any issues with the installation. Highlight an indicator on this page to see an explanation and possible solution at the bottom of the interface.



If it ain't broke, don't fix it! If you are mid-game and the mod is doing everything you want it to, then consider not updating until your next playthrough. Updating always comes with the risk of new issues and unwanted behavior, which can be avoided if you don't need the fixes or new features the update provides.


If you still want to update, then before doing anything, make a named save. To do this, open the in-game console and use the command save "Before SLAC v4.14", for example. If the update goes badly, you can then reinstall the previous version and load up that save to get back to where you were.


Back up your Aroused Creatures configuration in the AC MCM > Profiles page. Enter a name for the profile in the text field at the top right, then click a profile save slot below it. Again, if an update goes badly, you will be able to use the profile to get back to where you were much faster.


Aroused Creatures is specifically designed to allow mid-game updates, and will handle conversion of settings and states where necessary. To update, simply uninstall the previous version and install the new one. Run LOOT to make sure the load order is updated. When loading the last save, there may be some notification messages to indicate that the update has made changes. Check your configuration, and enjoy.


When updating mid-game across multiple versions, such as 4.08 to 4.11, there may be initial warnings and even errors in the logs due to function mismatches. These should be minor and temporary, and the mod will continue to function as normal.


Downgrading is not supported. If you need to return to an earlier version it is advised to return to a save from before the update.

How To Use


The core functionality of Aroused Creatures is automatic and does not require user input. By default Aroused Creatures will be active as soon as SL is ready and creature animation has been enabled, but the initial settings may make engagement fairly rare.


If a creature with a suitable arousal level is within range of a female NPC or PC they will begin to pursue them. When they are close enough they will start a non-consensual SL animation (or a consensual one if there are no alternatives). Only two pursuits can be active at the same time, one NPC and one PC, but another NPC pursuit can begin as soon as a victim is engaged.


To increase the frequency with which engagements are triggered, use the SexLab Aroused MCM to set the PC's armor as naked and this will allow general arousal to build much faster. You can also go to the Aroused Creatures MCM, select the PC/NPC Settings and reduce the Creature Arousal Threshold for the PC and/or NPC.


To understand why engagements are not happening, go to the MCM Help page and hightlight the Failed Engagement codes to see an explaination at the bottom of the interface.



To directly invite a creature to engage the PC access the Aroused Creatures MCM -> Dialogue & Interactions, find the Invite Creature Hotkey and chose an input. Adjust the Invite Arousal which will be used to test the creature's arousal when trying to invite them. Now stand close to a creature with the reticle over them and hit the invite key. A message should be displayed if the creature is not suitably aroused or cannot be animated for some reason, otherwise an SL animation should start. Hold the invite key for one second to try and perform oral sex on the creature. Hold the key for two seconds to invite nearby creatures of the same species as the targeted creature to a group animation. Settings in the Creature Framework MCM can be used to change the level at which creatures become visibly aroused to help show the player when they might be interested.


Dialogue options can be enabled under Dialogue & Interactions that will allow you to direct your follower NPCs and creatures by talking to them. You may also extend this to non-followers. Some dialogue options will only be available after selecting an actor with the Target Select Key (default [N]) - for instance, select a creature then persuade your NPC follower to deal with it, or select an NPC and task your creature with chasing them down. Target actors can be selected at range, simply place the reticle over them and hit the target select key. They should glow blue to indicate selection and by default a notification will be displayed.


There are plenty of other settings to explore and customise your experience. Hover over a setting in the MCM to view a description at the bottom of the interface


In-Game Help

There is now a Help MCM page which will display potential issues with the configuration of Aroused Creatures and SexLab. Hover over any warning to get a detailed description. The Help page will also list recently failed engagements and their failure codes. Hover over these codes to display a description of what they mean and any potential solutions.


Saving and Loading Profiles

Aroused Creatures configurations can now be saved and loaded via the Profiles MCM page allowing settings to be transferred between saves. When using MO2 these saved profiles will be found in the Overwrite mod under SKSE > Plugins > ArousedCreatures and may be moved to another mod if required. If they are moved to the Aroused Creatures mod itself then please remember to back them up before updating or they will be lost for good. It may be more prudent to store them in a separate mod specifically for such SKSE data.



Exposure to nudity and witnessing sex acts will increase creature arousal and produce more frequent engagements. This is not controlled by Aroused Creatures. For issues with arousal not properly increasing please check the SexLab Aroused Redux SSE support thread or the support thread for your version of SL Aroused. In the SexLab Aroused MCM disable the option to prevent arousal changing while dressed. You may also wish to reduce the check frequency so that arousal is updated more promptly. Hitting the Target Select Key (Default [N}) on a creature while standing close to them will updated their arousal immediately. Under the Current Armour page of the SexLab Aroused MCM you can set your current armour to be treated as nude which will then increase arousal for nearby creatures more rapidly.


Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Nothing happening? / Why are creatures are not interested?


Go to the Aroused Creatures MCM > Help page. This lists potential configuration issues in both Aroused Creatures and SexLab. Hover over an option to see an explanation at the bottom of the menu.


Make sure that SexLab installation is complete in the SexLab MCM and that Allow Creature Animation is enabled (which can take a minute or so to complete).


Check that you have animations installed and enabled for the specific creature (and sexes) you are trying to engage. This may require adding supporting SLAL packs.


Why are NPCs or Creatures T-posing, stuck, frozen, or sliding?


Make sure you have installed FNIS and FNIS Creature Pack for SE. Run Generate FNIS for Users with the HKX Compatibility patch enabled and deal with any errors or warnings – they are all important!


Ensure that all of your mods are for Special Edition. LE animations will not work in SE and will cause T-pose.


Why are actors just standing and clipping through each other during animations?


Go to SexLab MCM > Rebuild & Clean and click on Clean System. Follow the guidance in the pop-ups. Afterwards you will need to reconfigure SexLab and re-register any SLAL packs.


Why do creatures have no penises during sex?


Install More Nasty Critters and Creature Framework. If these are already installed and creatures are still not equipping penises go to the Creature Framework MCM and use the Re-register All Mods option.


Why is my game crashing (CTD) whenever an Aroused Creature animation starts?


This is due to an incompatible or corrupt aroused mesh being applied to the creature. Make sure that you have installed the SE version of More Nasty Critters, Animated Beast Cocks, etc. LE meshes will cause the game to CTD the moment it tries to load them.


Check your downloaded mod archives to ensure they are whole and uncorrupted. With 7-zip installed right-click on the archive file and select 7-zip > Test Archive (this can be found under Show More Options in Windows 11]. If the archive is corrupt then re-download, test again, and reinstall it.


Why is my save corrupt after uninstalling Aroused Creatures?


Do not uninstall mods mid-playthrough! Consider simply disabling Aroused Creatures in the MCM (General Settings > Performance > Mod Active) and leaving it installed until your next playthrough. With the mod disabled like this it will have no further affect on your game.


If you must uninstall it then:

    1. Go to a small interior cell with no creatures, deactivate Aroused Creatures in the MCM: General Settings > Performance > Mod Active.
    2. Wait for one hour in the Wait menu then save and quit.
    3. In your mod manager disable the Aroused Creatures ESP only. But do not uninstall the mod files yet.
    4. Load the last save and wait for one hour again, then save and quit.
    5. Uninstall the mod files completely in your mod manager then reload the last save.


If at any point in this process the save is reported as corrupt then open the console at the main menu and enter coc qasmoke. When you load in, open the escape menu and load the last save from there.


If this does not work and your save continues to be reported as corrupt and you cannot roll back to a save from before AC was installed, then your only option is to leave the mod installed and deactivate it in the MCM until your next playthrough.


Why are engagements failing because of location restrictions, even though all locations are allowed?


Something is overriding the Aroused Creatures scripts and it is incompatible with the latest version. Make sure none of Aroused Creatures files are being overridden. If any of the files have been manually replaced then reinstall Aroused Creatures and make sure it overrides everything.


How do I stop creatures walking into me and pushing my character around at the end of pursuits?


In the Aroused Creatures MCM increase the Capture Radius under PC / NPC Auto Settings > Pursuit.


Why do some creatures take a very long time to start an animation?


By default SexLab tries to let actors approach each other before starting an animation but some large creatures seem to have difficulty getting close enough and have to wait for a timer to run down that forces them to teleport. To avoid this go to the SexLab MCM and uncheck the Animation Settings > Disable Starting Teleport option.


Why doesn't this mod work with hostile creatures?


Aroused Creatures was designed from day one to provide immersive sexual interaction with creatures outside combat. There are already mods that handle combat sex, and Aroused Creatures is designed to compliment them, so your character does not need to get into an actual fight with a creature to start an animation with it. As such, the mod is designed to specifically screen out hostile creatures, and it does not have any system for handling combat situations other than minimizing interference.


The bottom line: Combat sex mods like Defeat already enable sex with enemy creatures, Aroused Creatures does something else.


Known Issues

  • Updating may generate errors in the papyrus log during the first run due to changes in the core player script. These should be temporary and non-intrusive.
  • Convenient Horses and Immersive Horses use their own dialogue systems for the player horse which interferes with the system used by Aroused Creatures. If CH or IH are installed AC will activate a compatibility measure to prevent game-breaking issues. This will result in the player having no AC-related dialogue options for the player's horse. The animal can still be engaged automatically, using the direct invitation hotkey or by directing an NPC to engage it. Simple Horse SE is a very lightweight alternate to CH that works with Aroused Creatures.
  • Aroused Creatures is intended for friendly creatures. For sex during combat use SexLab Defeat. For other wild creatures use One With Nature SE. Keep in mind that OWN may not work immediately if configured mid-game.
  • The MCM Aggressive Animations list can be quite slow to load when there are a lot of creature animations, especially when using filters.
  • Starting an animation can take some time. The more SL animations you have registered the longer this will take.
  • Horses summoned from the Hentai Creatures (one of the More Nasty Critters mods) mod can cause CTD when banishing while AC is installed.


Change Log


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.14 (40032) (2024-06-21):

  • Added: Actor claiming scene. This is a method to allow other mods to check if it's safe to use this actor. For instance, if akActor.GetCurrentScene() is anything other None, then the actor should not be used for anything. This is something mods should be doing anyway, simply to avoid interfering with normal quest scenes. SLAC checks scene participation before starting anything, will claim an actor when they start an SL animation, and keeps that claim until any queued animations are complete and the actor is free to return to normal behaviour.
  • Added: Options to disable all actor claiming or just claiming of suitors and queued creatures, and for releasing all currently claimed actors.
  • Added: Compatibility option for Display Model under Other Settings > Compatibility.
  • Added: Options to only allow specifically permitted creatures and/or NPCs in Auto Settings. Actors can be marked as Blocked, Permitted or Default by using the Target Select Key on them and changing their state in the Help page.
  • Added: Option to allow or prevent Suitors based on PC crouching state. This only controls when they begin following the PC and does not affect creatures that are already following.
  • Added: Option to only allow suitors to approach while the PC is naked. This only looks at slot 52 and will respect the Naked override for that armor in Auto Settings. Currently, armor class is ignored.
  • Added: Option to allow follower creatures and the player's horse to become suitors.
  • Fixed: Group animations not working when using SLP+.
  • Fixed: Consecutive horse refusal bucking animations without dismount in some circumstances. This includes a 30s delay for subsequent dismount attempts and a check to ensure that the mount is a horse, since that is the rearing animation being used.
  • Fixed: Creature dialogue options appearing for some talking activators.
  • Fixed: Help > Match Creature Genders option info reporting old option location.
  • Fixed: Outdated reference to depreciated Allow Male Receiver option in failure code info.
  • Changed: Dragons disallowed for auto-engagement by default (AC MCM > Allowed Creatures)
  • Changed: Gender and Consent MCM options under PC/NPC Auto Settings now grouped to gain an option slot for Only Permitted Creatures (we are still right up against the MCM option slot limit of 128 on this page).
  • Changed: Active Quest Scene indicator under Other Settings > Fixes will now show the scene for any targeted actor, or the player if none is targeted. This is still buggy, possibly due to some asynchronous activity in the scene management system, so it may take time for the actual scene ID and quest info to be displayed.
  • Changed: Reduced log spam when both PC and NPC auto engagements are disabled.
  • Changed: Slight update to logo for the mod's 10th anniversary.


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.13 (40030) (2024-03-29):

  • Added: Compatibility option under Other Settings > Compatibility for mods using the DHLP Suspension mod event. By default, auto-engagement will be disabled until the resume event is sent.
  • Added: Deviously Cursed Loot compatibility option. By default, auto-engagement will be disabled during running Cursed Loot scenes. This can be disabled in under Other Settings > Compatibility.
  • Added: Hotkey override for auto-engagement state. Pressing this will set both PC/NPC Auto Settings > PC Enabled and NPC Enabled to OFF, and will halt any running pursuit quests, including those started by dialogue and clear any suitors and queued creatures. A following press will restore the previous state for the PC and NPC options.
  • Added: Creature dialogue option for anal sex. This is not currently reflected in the notifications, if enabled, which should use generic phrasing instead. Feel free to add your own in the slacNotifications.json - the syntax documentation can be found in slac_Notify.psc.
  • Added: The default profile will now be loaded at the beginning of a new game. This will allow the user to override the default profile by manually copying a saved one over slacSettingsProfile0.json so that the new profile will be applied automatically in new games. Settings dependent on SexLab animations that may not have loaded at this point, such as Allowed Creatures and Aggressive animation tags, will not be applied fully.
  • Added: Option to manually clear data stored by Aroused Creatures via PapyrusUtil under Other Settings > Testing. This is for testing purposes only and will cause potentially serious issues if used in an on-going game. This **might** be useful for clean re-installation of the mod.
  • Added: Initial support for SexLab P+ (Other Settings > Compatibility > SexLab P+ Compatibility). This fork of SexLab is a work in progress, so the support is too. There are plenty of things that are still in development. The current SLAC build is compiled with v2.5.0.0 and will not work with earlier versions. This option is on by default, even if an incompatible version of SLP+ is installed.
  • Added: Help page now displays installed SexLab Framework version string and number.
  • Added: More debugging output for problematic areas, such as player horse bucking.
  • Added: Option to purge unused creature race keys from allowed creature data. To support default profile loading, the new system keeps allowed race configurations even if they have no animations, so the config can be applied later if/when suitable animations are added. This option just allows clearing out unused race keys and potentially speeding up AC operations (but not noticeably).
  • Fixed: Creature Arousal not checked during direct invitation.
  • Fixed: Some collar types incorrectly displayed as "Amulet" in the MCM.
  • Fixed: Errors generated by MCM script when trying to fetch data from missing animations.
  • Fixed: Some creatures missing race names in notifications. This appears to be a new issue in 1.6.1130+ and may need further work.
  • Fixed: Suitors queued for rough consensual sex using aggressive animations, switching to consensual animations.
  • Fixed: Empty strings in disallowed creature race data, causing unnecessary checks for blocked races.
  • Fixed: Player bucked by horse with automatic engagement enabled, occasionally pursued by the same horse or another creature while the SL animation is being prepared.
  • Fixed: Non-critical papyrus error when an NPC scan starts just as the PC uses a loading door.
  • Changed: Dialogue & Interaction > Invite Opens Dialogue options now disabled in the MCM if the Creature Dialogue settings do not support them.
  • Changed: Added SEQ file, just in case.
  • Changed: Default PC/NP arousal under PC/NPC Auto Settings is now 80, to avoid unexpected consent changes for default queuing options.
  • Changed: Clarified description of PC/NPC Auto Settings > Armor & Clothing > Naked Arousal Modifier.
  • Changed: Disallowed creatures races are now recorded, even if the race has no available animations. A new option, Other Options > Fixes > Purge Race Key Lists, has been added to allow manually removing unused races to potentially speed up creature scanning.
  • Changed: Help page now checks specific SexLab Framework version ranges and warns if the installed version falls outside these. This includes SLP+ which must be v2.5 or later.
  • Changed: Altered some debug output to remove the "slac_" string. This is to allow faster scanning of logs for script errors. There will still be normal instances of the string from SkyUI and MCM operations.
  • Issue: Creature race names are not resolving reliably from 1.6.1130 on. AC's notification system now employs a number of fallbacks to try and keep the messages readable, but the result may not always be ideal.
  • Issue: Player's horse may become inaccessible when using Poser Hotkeys mod. Approach the horse and hit \[End\] which should stop the blocking PH AI package. PH can be toggled off with [Num-/].
  • Issue: Auto-engagements triggering continuously when using SLP+. As-of-release, there are issues in SLP+ with mod events preventing arousal reduction from participation in scenes.
  • Issue: Possible conflicts with mods that alter interaction behaviour, such as various forks of Block Steal, which can cause occasional issues with silent creature dialogue, especially horses. This may result in the dialogue menu sometimes opening again after closing.
  • Other: The Aggressive Animations page is disabled when using SLP+. Changing the disposition of animations in-game is not supported by SLP+. The current advice is to edit and recompile the SLSB animation pack the problem animation comes from.


SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v4.12 (40029) (2023-06-09):

  • Fixed: NPC dialogue group option only engaging selected creature.
  • Fixed: Target selection not always collecting actor references for notification system testing under Other Settings.
  • Fixed: Unwanted spaces added in notification interpolations.
  • Fixed: Notifications loading and generation performance shortfall.
  • Fixed: Notification testing target actors taking reversed rolls.
  • Fixed: Lagging display of animation tags info in Aggressive Animations MCM page.
  • Fixed: Pursuit escape notifications not displayed.
  • Fixed: Pursuit fail/scare/escape notifications not displaying correctly in some circumstances.
  • Added: Notification tags to identify unique/non-unique NPCs allowing for more flexible syntax.
  • Added: Held torches are now treated as weapons for the purposes of auto-engagement restrictions.
  • Added: Options to allow automatic pursuit and engagement of PC and NPCs while menus are open. Found under Other Settings > Testing. These should be used with caution as they can cause issues with quest progression and character animation.
  • Added: Clearer indication in log and console of notifications JSON file loading situation, i.e. updating due to FileVersion change or forced through FileVersion set to 0 less or via MCM Notifications Testing option.
  • Changed: Mod initialisation now only registers a 10 second update event with no other calls. This is intended to reduce script load for new games and perhaps mitigate issues some users have encountered with script suspension or the mod simply failing to operate at all. This is untested as a solution as the issue has so far not been reproducible in the development environment, and the root cause remains unidentified.
  • Changed: Engagements with queued suitors will be treated as consensual while obeying aggressive (rough) animation selection. Engagements with creature joining the queue after the suitors will use the PC/NPC Auto Settings > Queuing consent options.
  • Changed: Allow skipping reload of notifications JSON when loading a save if the JSON FileVersion is unchanged and is not less than 1 or missing. This should speed up the maintenance process on loading saves so AC is functional sooner.
  • Changed: MCM General Settings reorganised to reduce empty space.
  • Other: Removed unused legacy dialogue script file. Some unused scripts remain in the mod as they are attached to objects such as spells, the data for which can persist in save files after removal. Deleting the scripts or spell records could generate errors and potentially contribute to save corruption. These scripts do not otherwise affect the mod or game at all so leaving them in is harmless.
  • Other: Minor changes and corrections to slacNotifications.json and MCM localisation file.


See support thread for older Change Logs and Downloads




Edited by Sailing Rebel
Formatting changelog and moving GPL license statement

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