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DatDude's Office Babes [Preview] [0.20] [WIP] [XCL] 0.1.6

12 Screenshots

About This File

Ever find it strange that there's tons of guys working at DynaPill, but you seem to be the only woman? No more! This (unfinished) mod adds female variants of all 30 male NPC types that can appear at the workplace. They're chatty, with over one thousand unique comments and procedurally constructed dialogue depending on the circumstances, your personal history with that specific NPC, your sales rank, your workplace sexual reputation, and more! Finding a specific workplace gal frigid and unreceptive to your advances? Try chatting them up multiple times, flirting repeatedly, or even groping them to raise their arousal, the same way the male NPC's are constantly doing to you. Additionally, just like how male NPC's will dangle leads to coerce you into sex, you can use your sales leads to convince these ladies to happily hop into the janitor's closet with you for an afternoon of (currently unimplemented) fun! Plus, if you ever feel like the office could use some more feminine flavor, you can finally take matters into your own hands -- dosing your male coworkers is an option at long last! Just like your character is sometimes dosed with an X-Change, sometimes you'll be presented with the option to drop an X-Change Pink of your choice around the office, where it will be picked up accidentally by a random coworker. Turn all your coworkers into bimbo babes, or be turned! Just be careful not to dose your bedroom fuckbuddies; so long as they're on X-Change they won't be coming over to fuck you. All of this content is painstakingly designed to include hundreds of possible text lines, with over 25000 words of unique text that can appear, with the goal of matching the base game's level of unique textual variation.



Many thanks to UsagiTripleSix / emes for assistance with generating many of the unique variants. This mod would not have been possible without their generous help.


Current content:

- 30 unique female NPC variants, corresponding to each of the existing coworker NPC's.

- 3 unique outfit variants for each NPC, one of which is notably sluttier than the others. See if you can tell when they're in a horny mood at work!

- The number of possible NPC's at work extended from the base game's 10 to a new maximum of 16, since some will be female at any time.

- Tons of unique interactions and text lines with the NPC's

- Flirting and arousal mechanics which can control how receptive they are to your flirting, and how much they'll expect in exchange for sexual favors.

- Unique personalities for each NPC, reflected in their actions and voice lines

- Seducing NPC's will reduce their interest in spiking you, allowing you to stay male more easily at work

- The ability to spike your coworkers and finally turn them female. Time to turn the tables on those horny bastards!

- Over 1000 unique text lines that can appear during interactions with the office girls, keeping things fresh for those of you who like to read


Still to come:

- Actual sex scenes. For now there's just a placeholder text.

- Unique Achievements

- Bugfixes, of course

- More rewards for sexual prowess, and punishments for being bad at sex with the NPC ladies

- Lesbian content hopefully!

- NPC's who start to expect sexual favors and act as office doms

- The ability to fuck the secretaries at work, the way your coworkers constantly do to you

- More complicated mechanics to spike your coworkers, and rewards/penalties for doing so

- More varied text and dialogue options

- Unique video and sex position combinations for each girl, with the goal of having bar-girl like sex scenes (with limited media)


Please keep in mind that this mod, while highly featured, is still early in development and may cause bugs. For now, I recommend not trying it with any save files you really care about. Any other office mods (Cold Calling Improvements, Spike Fun, etc.) may be incompatible -- try testing them on unimportant saves before you play a full game that way. BR Pills is unsupported, so there's currently no capability to dose your coworkers with modded pills. Have fun playing this preview -- hopefully the next few weeks are great for gathering feedback as I work on the sex mechanics and their integration into the overall office experience. Thankfully, ButchDiavolo / Vachnic has uploaded a patched version of their Random Male NPC Mod to be compatible with the female office npc's! So it's not all doom and gloom :)


What's New in Version 0.1.6   See changelog


Added capability to reduce the office's suspicion of pill spikes, by using the small talk feature on your fellow employees

Added tooltips to indicate that office suspicion is a thing when spiking -- Basic is the safest route.

Added display to the office desk showing the current office suspicion, roughly

Added ability for NPC's to change gender on their own by taking either a blue or pink pill, and having them use a masculinity / femininity stat of their own

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