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Dark World Reborn
Requires Crusader Kings 2. In my testing I used version 3.3.3
Part of the Succubus Seduction path uses the Way of Life DLC (you can just opt to not use the Kiss of Seduction if you don't have that DLC)

Part of the Societies may call on content from the Monk and Mystics expansion.


Dark World Reborn v1.99


Dark World Reborn-Drax70 - is a customized version of an old version of Dark World Reborn, with different images and the addition of some sounds (sound files are why it's a larger file size). DO NOT USE BOTH mod versions!


Mod Installation:

With the game getting so many new players since it went free to play, I've finally broken down and put together some installation instructions. So now folks can simply be referred to the front page of either the mod download or the support page.


NOTE: I use a program called 7-Zip for creating zipped files and extracting them. 7-Zip is a free, open source program. You can either search for it in your search engine of choice, or trust that I'm pointing you in the right direction with their home page: https://www.7-zip.org/


Additional note: I use Windows. I don't offer installation support for other platforms, because I can't replicate them. So hopefully you're familiar enough with your operating system if it isn't Windows, to figure things out.


Common mistake Warning: Crusader Kings has two mod folders. The one that is located in the game's main files (your Steam game installation directory), IS NOT the location you want. In fact, the game tries to make that clear, as there is a file there that is even named: DontPutModsHere.txt


Step 1: If it's your first time installing the mod, download the most recent version from this site (this site being lovers lab, where you're looking at these instructions. Sometimes I will leave a prior version up, especially if the latest version posted is a larger upgrade or not fully tested.


Step 2: put the file you downloaded into your mod folder. Your mod folder most likely should be located in your Documents folders. For example: Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod. If you don't have a mod folder there, create one. Now, if you've no other mods, it should look something like this.



Step 3: Now extract the file contents into the folder. In using 7-Zip, I just have to right click on the file, hover over 7-Zip, and then I can select Extract Here. If you use a different extraction program, it should have a similar option. An example of what it would look like is below.



Step 4: If you've done things correctly, in your mod folder, you should now have a folder called Dark World Reborn, and a file called Dark World Reborn.mod. You can now delete the original file you downloaded (in this example it is DarkWorldReborn_174.7z), or leave it there. Which ever is your preference. An example of what it would look like is below.




Step 5: Now, start up your game. On the starting CK2 screen, you should notice two tabs. One for DLC, one for Mods. Click on the Mod tab and ensure that the Dark World Reborn mod is checked. Example image below.



Step 6: After choosing your starting conditions (era, ruler), the game will start up and show the Game Rules. You can verify that the mod is being seen by scrolling down to the bottom of the rule section. As of these directions, there are 15 different Dark World Reborn related Game Rule options for you to fine tune the content you'd see. They don't all begin with Dark World, but they should all appear after the first block, which is shown in the screen shot example below.



Step 7: Play and enjoy. Now, depending on what rules you selected, will impact what things you end up seeing. Some rules impact more content than others. Many things require you to actually build certain buildings in your capital before they become active, or events may expect a certain trait. So play and see what appears, and experiment with your rules to fine tune things if some content isn't to your liking.



The goal of Dark World Reborn will to make it as compatible as possible with other mods, when it is reasonable. Make me aware of an issue and I'll see if it can be addressed.


What is this mod:

Dark World Reborn is intended to be an adult fantasy mod. If you're not interested in the fantasy elements, there is still other content in the mod - from buildings such as brothels and slave markets, to events such as spending time with your loved one.


This game has numerous Game Rules that can be used to fine tune your play experience if something doesn't interest you.



Man kind rules the Earth. The mod includes the potential to have non-human races. However, this mod doesn't introduce them in any large numbers. That is because mankind has driven the non-human races into near extinction. Those that survive are in hiding, living in the fringes of civilization. So outside of a pair of major NPC's that get seeded (Fenris the wolf, Vlad the vampire), other non-humans may or may not be encountered during game play.

It is important to note that Mankind predated many of the races and outnumbered them when they appeared. The appearance of many races took place during a phenomena that sages sometimes refer to as The Crossing. For about a century, Earth and the world of the Fae had a convergence, where some of their natives crossed over. To most of the world, this convergence is nothing more than another fable, yet the genetic mark of those that crossed over remains.

NOTE: Some other mods go heavier on the non-human races, seeding them throughout the world. Dark World Reborn strives to be mod friendly, so using DWR with those other mods should be fine.


Game Rule - Dark World Campaign:

One of the Dark World Reborn has a game rules is 'Dark World Campaigns'. It is important to realize that this is just a quick start way to get some traits (such as starting as a Vampire), along with a narrative to help create a mind set for play. You can totally ignore the narrative, it's just meant to help those interested with a role-playing angle. A few campaigns do include special events specific to that campaign. For example - Rise of the Pack where you start as a Werewolf, gives you a narrative of being tasked by Fenris with helping the werewolves achieve dominance over mankind. At some point after you start, you'll get an event unique to this campaign where he sends you some aid and a potential courtier.


If you select a campaign, you'll need to trigger it manually. Look at the Decisions on the Intrigue menu for your campaign start.


Note: If you do something like select the 'Rise of the Pack' Campaign, but turn off 'Classic Monsters' - you'll bork things up and not get your decision. Reason being, Werewolves are considered Classic Monster content. So don't defeat yourself.

So why start with a campaign option? Some folks want to start as a Vampire. Due to randomization, if you don't start as one, it could be years into the game before the chance appeared, and then, it might result in death instead of being turned.


Non-Human Races:

Note: there are no 'True Bloods' in DWR. While mankind was successful in pushing non-humans to extinction, those non-human races live on via descendants that are part human/part non-human. It's one reason non-human races are able to largely hide, by passing off as normal humans, unless they do something that exposes their heritage. So it's a planet with a bunch of half-breeds if you want to get picky.

Now, many of those half-breeds have been accepted over time. Especially those who don't have a history of violence against humans. Still, people in general still are wary of the weird, and while they may not be automatically hostile towards some, there may still be a negative opinion hit.



Symbiotes, Tentacle-kin: These beings are born from something not of this world. Worse, they can potentially infect a normal person. This infection can also go unrecognized, as these beings can withdraw to hide within their host, seeming human. Some are so powerful, they can even transform their host in some undesirable fashion.

Therianthropes: Shapeshifters can be found in the tales told by just about every culture. These shapeshifters are also widely seen to be spirit related. What tends to be different between cultures is the type of animal that changes from a human to animal form. Some are also seen as being more benevolent while others seek to harm humanity. The following animal kin, are types of therianthropes in DWR. In DWR, these beings are viewed to have the ability to control their transformation and can range from human to a variety of hybrids to full animal.

  • Wolf (Werewolves): In DWR, these are one of the most aggressive types of therianthropes. Wolves by nature don't come in regular direct conflict with mankind. However, the bonding of the wolf spirit with man has made a dangerous mix, as the darker side of man seems to bleed over and negatively influence the wolf spirit, often times making it more hostile than it would be naturally.
  • Hyena: Hyena-kin have had periods of conflict with mankind, which gives many a bad name. They don't normally seek alpha type dominance like the Wolf, yet they like to take what's not theirs. Leading to raids when in packs. They never obtained the notoriety of the wolf, as hyena's also tend to in-fighting, clearly having a weaker pack/community structure when put under pressure.
  • Dog: Rare. Seen as generally having a good relation with mankind. While people love dogs, dog-kin can face ridicule by many, and are pointed to as an example of avoiding bestiality. (Remember, in DWR, people are dicks, so being different will still equal negative opinions)
  • Horse: (Centaurs are seen as a hybrid form) Like the dog description above.
  • Cat: (Nekos) A very checkered history, as they've been both helpful and damaging. They're considered to be part of the non-violent non-human side, really only because they so rarely group together, when they're petty and vile, their damage is typically limited and focused.
  • Fox: (Kitsune) Similar to the cat description above.
  • Goat: (Satyr) Not really in good with a number of religious organizations, as some view them as demonic - thanks to anger and a smear campaign over women being seduced by a very virile Satyr. Religious denunciation aside, they're viewed as part of the non-violent group.
  • Bear: Fearsome, yet largely solitary and keep to themselves unless provoked. Have risen against both the wolf and hyena in the past, so they're viewed in the non-violent towards humans side of the fence.
  • Bull: (Minotaur) They're viewed as one of the violent factions, largely due to the destructive nature and mythos surrounding minotaurs. Truthfully, they're one of the lesser violent ones, but the rumors about them breed fear.
  • Fish: (Mermaid, Mermen, Sharken) Viewed as non-violent, even those that are shark folk, although sailors may have a different view point. Folks on land, tend to romanticize them, while sailors are known to hunt them.
  • Frog: Viewed as non-violent. Viewed to have come about via a curse by most. Leads to a lot of ladies kissing male Frog-kin hoping for a prince.
  • Snake: Viewed as violent. Realistically they're no worse than the Cat or Fox, yet visually they freak people out, and there's that whole devil appearing as a snake in the Garden of Eden thing.
  • Monkey: Viewed similar to the dog, although there are tales of them falling to corruption, only to then later redeem themselves.
  • Tiger: (Rakshasa) Viewed as violent maneaters to many in the East. Since they're rarer elsewhere, the few examples of good are heavily obscured by the bad, leaving them as being seen as one of the violent non-human races.
  • Spider: Viewed as violent. Looks alone freak out most, even more so than the Snake. Doesn't help that most stories involve them eating humans.
  • Rabbit: Viewed as non-violent. Have a really nasty rumor about being overly promiscuous.
  • Elephant: Viewed as non-violent, wise, and freaky looking.
  • Platypi: Viewed as non-violent, un-wise, and freaky looking.


Dragons: Said to be completely killed off, although it's said that in the past, some took human form, and as such, could have descendants with dragon blood just waiting to awaken. Due to the extreme dragon hunting efforts from the past, due to the towns razed by dragons, anyone who did have their blood awaken could be viewed as part of the violent non-human group.

Demons: (Succubus, Incubus) The offspring of an unholy union. Most religions and as such, society in general view the offspring as being unredeemable. So they're automatically in the violent non-human side, while the truth has shown that many of these individuals are more lovers than fighters.

Angels: Children from a divine union at some point. They're widely accepted, although there are instances of human purists, lumping in angel-kin among the non-humans and hunting them as well.

Orc: Linked to the lands of the fae, these beings once crossed over and waged war in certain areas. Those that crossed over were wiped out, yet their raids and raping left their genetic mark. Those unfortunate enough to have this genetic mark appear, can find themselves grouped with the violent non-humans.

Elf: Said to have originated from the land of the fae like the Orcs. They were fewer in number, yet appeared to aid mankind in defeating the orcs, and then returned back to the fae when done. While here, they did take the occasional human lover. Similar to angels in how they're widely accepted - yet in the right circumstance can still be hunted down by purists.

Fae: (Fairies, brownies, gnomes) Those with fae blood, are more likely to be mistaken as having elf blood, largely because of how rare it was for these beings to procreate with humans. Mainly because of a difference in stature, yet in some instances, fae magic would allow a temporary transformation. And well, sex happened. Part of the non-violent side.

Genie: It is said that all genies are actually cursed humans. Beings that sought power, and in finding it, have become trapped by it. The fact that it isn't passed genetically lends credence to it being a curse.

Nymph: Believed to be different from the fae, as nymphs are said to be actual Earth spirits, and their appearance in lore predates stories that are associated with the convergence. The only non-human race that is also only passed from Mother to daughter. There are no males who are known to bear the Nymph traits. Viewed as non-violent.

Vampire: They feed off of mankind, and as such, as viewed in the same vein as the parasitic symbiotes. Easily falling on the violent non-human side of things.

Undead: (Ghoul, Reanimate - think Frankenstein, Lich) The dead are supposed to stay dead. Viewed as a violent non-human, especially since they're usually brought back to fight humans, or someone used unholy methods to create them.


Non-Human Tolerance Law
There are three stages. By default, any non-human race that is viewed as generally being a violent non-human species, can be arrested (via targeted decision). The law can be changed from the middle, to be completely tolerant (all non-humans are accepted), or to completely intolerant (all non-humans are criminal).
Outside of the targeted decision to attempt to arrest someone, additional events may be influenced by the level of the law. For example - if your land sees all non-humans as criminals, then a non-human may opt to avoid your lands (thus preventing an event from firing).


Heroes and Villains Content:

  • This portion of the mod adds NPCs and events related to Superheroes and Supervillains.
  • Be a hero or villain
    • Rulers have the ability to identify themselves as a hero or a villain (trait via Decision)
    • Declare a Nemesis (via Targeted Decision - right clicking on the target's portrait)
    • Recruit other heroes or villains like yourself.
      • Requires a Lair or Hall to be built
      • Due to only having 4 options, and one being a generic villain or hero, it will only list up to 3 named recruit options. Check back after hiring one of the 3 named and another name may then appear.
      • Not every Heroes and Villains NPC in the game comes via recruitment. A number of them come through random events.
  • New traits
    • Some related to heroes and villains, such as Agile, Mind Control, or Resilience
    • Some related to races, such as symbiotes, demon-kin, or therianthropes
    • And a trio of age cheat traits for those wanting to use the Ruler Designer to build your own ruler
  • Construct special buildings
    • Lairs and Halls for use by any heroes or villains
    • Great Inn - an investment to help your economy - additional game play interactions coming
    • Wizard Tower - additional game play interactions coming
  • Related Game Rule
    • NPC Respawn - Off by default, if you want to see NPCs have a chance to reappear, then enable this. After all, heroes and villains are always coming back aren't they?
  • Random Events
    • Some related to heroes or villains you may have recruited
    • Others meant to add variety to game play in general
  • Potential nicknames for those who are heroic or villainous
  • Numerous quality of life options such as being able to use a Targeted Decision to remove a custom portrait you don't like, or forbid a target from giving themselves one at all



Special Thanks:


- ReMeDy for the assistance on the Custom Portraits mod, and your time in answering both my questions and those of some other folks in the support thread.
- Genericlogin for his Christianity mod that got me interested in modding for CK2 in the first place

- Lockeslylcrit and the work that was done over the past year with DWF.

- Drax70 for a variety of image resizing and event contributions.

- Jim Raynor for some event contributions.
- Aliris, RustiYeti, YiffMeister, ngppgn, JIBECaid01, Veedanya, Sybreal for code or icon art contributions.
- ngppgn's work on making a larger event window (original resource: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/74137-bigger-events/)

- Dem8840 for contributing some story and item ideas
- Black Yoru, NeoSniper and others for various compatibility/patch mods that have helped others enjoy the mod.
- Lover's Lab for having this environment.
- Paradox for making CK2 so mod friendly and the continued support and content releases.

Dark World Reborn Change Log History


Change Log:

 v1.99 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - New events (Related Game Rules: Hero/Villain, Bestiality)
    - New npcs (Related Game Rules: Hero/Villain)
    - Update to brothel visit content when you've done the Bordello Upgrade event chain
    - Tweaks to some npc's, such as Maleficent has a dynasty now so the game doesn't treat her as a commoner.
    - New alternate Nightwing/Dick Grayson image. Looks a little less like SuperBoy. Maybe.
    - Fix: Removed an old land title that was related to the ancient Mana Wellspring that was once tied to spell casting, a long, long, long time ago.
    - Fix: Hero/Villain recruit event for selecting a specific person - was missing the event call, so it'd never fire.
    - Fix: Nightwing had Thor's image on one of his options.
    - Fix: Missing event text for a Ball event.
    - Fix: Variable mistake in the Bordello Upgrade chain that hid events and showed duplicates.
    - Fix: Merida was Irish when she should be Scottish for race.
    - Thanks to TriggerBlade for finding a couple bad race entries and doing some clean-up in dw_npc_scripted_effects

v1.98 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - New events (Related Game Rules: Fae, Hero/Villain, Fairy Tales, Heaven/Hell, Classic Monsters)
    - New potential npc's (Related Game Rules: Fae, Hero/Villain, Fairy Tales)
    - Hero/Villain minor overhaul in progress - starting event tweaked, and there is a secondary event that helps shape a bit about these beings entering the game.
    - Bordello Upgrade event reworked a little - no idea where this motivation came from.
    - Updated the prison rape decision to look for NOT = { trait = hero }, for those looking to use it with Hero/Villain content disabled
    - Updated Slave Pay notification event to allow it to be hidden.
    - Updated Collector event to place the "Not interested" type option first, as it could be hidden when there were 4 items found for sale.
    - Image contribution from plutocene (male Slave Branding)
    - Image contribution from Drax70 (decision images / trait image / event image)
    - Image update for Succubus Corruption
    - Event contribution from Drax70 (watch Sorcey masturbate)
    - Updated Slave Branding images, with new images displaying if it's a male or female being branded
    - Updated decisions that were missing icons and some that are improvements
    - Updated the trait image for gigantic tits.

v1.97 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - NOTE: I have removed some old files, and consolidated some files that had only an item or two in them. I recommend deleting your old mod before installing this one. If you don't, everything should still work, but your game will likely have some duplication or ghost entries in the error.log from the start check-up it does.
    - New events (Related Game Rules: Fairy Tales, Fae Content, Classic Monsters, Heaven/Hell)
    - New potential npc's (Related Game Rules: Fairy Tales, Fae Content, Classic Monsters)
    - Merchant Wagon from the Hero/Villain random events included in normal random event chance, as most it's wares aren't Hero/Villain specific, and they have some Fairy Tale items.
    - Updated the remaining small images that were still in use *Note - there are a couple small images that do belong as small images for character_event calls instead of narrative_event calls.
    - ALTERNATE/NON-RULE CAMPAIGN STARTS (allows potential for any campaign content to be triggered in a play through based on some conditions)
    - Lustful player characters, with Heaven/Hell content enabled can lead to the demon kin trait (Lilith content)
    - Zealous player characters, with 500 piety, with Heaven/Hell content enabled can lead to the angel kin trait
    - Arbitrary player characters, not already a therianthrope with Classic Monsters enabled can lead to the cat kin trait
    - Shrewd player characters, not already a therianthrope with Classic Monsters enabled can lead to the fox kin trait
    - Temperate & Patient player characters with Fae Content enabled can lead to the elf trait
    - Wroth & Proud player characters with Fae Content enabled can lead to the orc trait
    - Greedy, strong, & proud characters with Fae Content enabled can lead to the dragon trait
    - Additional custom pics image for female fox-kin, female bovine-kin, and female rabbit-kin
    - Fixed: A poorly scoped check when trying to sell a slave (was looking at the seller instead of the slave)
    - Fixed: Adult Son and Daughter Masturbation events will not trigger if they're prisoners somewhere.
    - Fixed: Wrong image shown when having Grimhilde provide some service.
    - Fixed: Wrong option text in a Werewolf event
    - Fixed?: A Beauty event that could generate multiple options when it should only generate one.
    - Fixed: An issue where an incorrect portrait was showing
    - Removed all old small images used by old events that are no longer present.


v1.96 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95
    - New events (small variety of events that rely on Game Rules of Heroes/Villains, Bestiality, Fairy Tales)
    - Changed old Hero / Villain Recruit option. Consolidating new additions that aren't based on existing characters, and the result being random.
    - Fixed: Giganta's missing nickname
    - Fixed an issue where the AI could create Hellboy
    - Fixed some missing image references for some Beauty and the Beast events
    - Updated a couple small event images that were related to stable visits
    - Small tweaks to various things, like setting missing months on opinion modifiers, and reorganizing some things.


v1.95 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update is NOT considered to be save game compatible. I tweaked some trait names, so it could mess with the trait index that is built on a new game.
    - New Event
    - Fixed an existing event for a specific NPC that would never fire if they were in prison
    - Fixed an issue where some events associated with visiting your Hall/Lair wouldn't show up for potentially months
    - Updated the custom photo cycle decision to work for Mirage, who has two potential images


v1.94 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible
    - New Game Rule option for Respawns - changed Yes to Immediate and added a 10 Year option. Note: this for clearing a flag setting, so an event still needs to trigger to bring them back.
    - I felt that hero/villain content was firing too frequently on top of each other, so I scaled back some of the on_action triggers, and moved some content around that can be triggered via a decision (see more below)
    - New Events (primarily Villain related)
    - Visit your Lair or Hall (Hero / Villain content - available once a month) Contains a few new events, and a bulk of events from the former random hero/villain events.
    - Updated a couple small event artwork to a larger size
    - Set a number of random hero/villain events to no longer happen outside of the new Visit your Lair/Hall decision.


v1.93 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update is compatible with Save Games created with DWR version 1.83 or later. Save games with earlier versions of DWR will break.
    - Modified the Bordello Improvement quest chain (after the initial event, future stages are handled by decision - to help handle things if the ruler dies mid-upgrade and to allow the player to advance when they have gold on hand)


Edited by dewguru

What's New in Version 1.99


v1.99 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - New events (Related Game Rules: Hero/Villain, Bestiality)
    - New npcs (Related Game Rules: Hero/Villain)
    - Update to brothel visit content when you've done the Bordello Upgrade event chain
    - Tweaks to some npc's, such as Maleficent has a dynasty now so the game doesn't treat her as a commoner.
    - New alternate Nightwing/Dick Grayson image. Looks a little less like SuperBoy. Maybe.
    - Fix: Removed an old land title that was related to the ancient Mana Wellspring that was once tied to spell casting, a long, long, long time ago.
    - Fix: Hero/Villain recruit event for selecting a specific person - was missing the event call, so it'd never fire.
    - Fix: Nightwing had Thor's image on one of his options.
    - Fix: Missing event text for a Ball event.
    - Fix: Variable mistake in the Bordello Upgrade chain that hid events and showed duplicates.
    - Fix: Merida was Irish when she should be Scottish for race.
    - Thanks to TriggerBlade for finding a couple bad race entries and doing some clean-up in dw_npc_scripted_effects

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