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What you do at your home is not my concern…



We had wonderful time with our folks on the morning coffee at our house in Monday. When I say morning coffee, I don’t mean it literarily. Not everyone have a coffee. My mom and B.W. have tea, my Prince, dad, Zdenka, Boss and Ivy have real coffee and Fran and I have natural juice. Sometimes I have decaf coffee because I don’t want my baby be awoken and active too much when I’m at the work. Boss asked my Prince and Ivy when they plan to take week off since it passed ten days from the date they should take it. When my Prince said: “I was on forced “vacation”, dad when I collapsed…  remember?” they made us all laugh “quarrelling” about it. Boss said it doesn’t count and my Prince insisted that it does. Anyway, Boss won again commanding him and Ivy to take 7 days off starting from next Monday. My Prince had this week to organize his team.



We are fully booked and our guests are mostly from our country since International carnival starts later. Thanks to VRs and other digital entertaining for kids and adults we bought last year, many parents left their kids in the playing room while they went on the carnival or shopping. It is a great source of income. We had good e.b. meeting in Monday and Boss informed them that my Prince and Ivy are on vacation from next Monday and he strictly forbid them to call them about anything related to their job. They have to learn to make decisions by themselves and carry the consequences of own mistakes. My Fran will be in the office alone most of the working hours, but he can call me or Boss whenever he needs.



Very shortly after e.b. meeting we heard two gun shots. Lidija’s assistant informed Guy 3 about the incident who informed the guests and the stuff over the speakers that everything is under control and that there is no reason to be worried. Lidija, her assistant and problematic lady came into my Prince’s office. Lidija reported that several guests around her room complained on the lady for feeding the seagulls on the room balcony who started to make incredible noise and that married couple booked next to her room left the Hotel. She warned her that feeding seagulls are against Hotel rules and local authorities’ law for our city have a problem with over numbered seagulls who causes all kind of troubles. She asked her to stop it too, but the lady ignored her. She is the member of “Animal rights” organization and she threatened that she will sue us for killing two seagulls. For those who don’t know: once seagulls nest in your neighborhood or/and been fed, you can’t drive them away. They always come back even in greater number making incredible noise and mess. Killing one or two of them drives them away. They are very intelligent, but sneaky birds. Anyway, my Prince commended Lidija’s bodyguard action saying that he’d do exactly the same. Then he addressed to the lady saying:

- Ma’am, What you do at your home is not my concern. You can have a ZOO in your living room if you like, but I do mind what you’re doing in our Hotel. Rules and regulations exist with a reason. Since you don’t want to comply, you have to leave our Hotel. You broke several other hotel rules by disobeying my associate’s warning to stop feeding seagulls. Because of you, other guests complained and we lost two guests. Therefore, I will charge you extra as compensation for the damage you caused. If you press the charges against us, we will sue you too. If I see your complains about us on any social media, I will persecute you by the law for defamation and attempt of disgracing Hotel reputation. You lose in any case.

My Prince ordered Lidija and her body guard to make the bill for the lady and escort her from the Hotel. If she refuses to pay, Lidija should immediately call the police. Boss was very thrilled with his decision and he commended him. It is interesting that we have no problems with dog owners anymore. We are pets friendly Hotel and after few very drastic measures my Prince pulled against offenders last year, not a single guest dare to repeat same mistakes. Penalties are very high.



My luvs were mostly on the “field” doing security and bodyguard jobs and preparing their team to do their jobs spotlessly in their absence talking to each of them individually. But they always find time for me at the work. When we were in the need for “dose” we used Prince’s office and Lidija spent that time in mine with Fran or doing something else in the Hotel. My Fran and Boss are going to one-day business trip tomorrow to another hotel in “xxx” city. Guy 3 will be their body guard.



My Prince and Fran started to organize our wedding anniversary. He asked my Ivy and me how we would like to celebrate it: only the three of us or with family and friends? We said we want a big feast with family and friends. Knowing that he is overprotective toward me and the baby I asked him if he “planned” for me to sit still all night because he is afraid that someone can accidentally hurt our baby. He told me that he wants me to have fun, dance and enjoy in our evening. He already arranged with my bodyguard to keep his eye on me all the time. He will be near me and watch that nobody accidentally push me or fall on me keeping them on safe distance from me. My Prince will pay him extra. I was very happy to hear that and I thankfully kissed him loudly. My Ivy and I talked to B.W. and we are going to Trieste in shopping next week. Probably in Monday. I’m bigger now and I need bigger dress and more comfortable shoes. My Ivy and I want to wear same color and same model. Of course, my Prince rejected our proposal to buy something for him. We have to “intervene”. We talked to Boss who “convinced” him to buy a new suite and shoes using his father ”authority”.



My Ivy and I enjoyed giving hard time to my Prince yesterday after the work. Ivy was inspired for making new Skyrim lesson and when she took the pictures she asked my Prince to help her in English. She sat in his lap and I crouched under the table and took his cock into my mouth. My Prince started to lose concentration and he was completely “our of order” when my Ivy joined me. Just like Hugh Jackman in “Swordfish movie”. LOL. When he was close to orgasm, we stopped it. He wasn’t able to type a single text without errors. After second orgasm delay we let him spray his sweet hot cum down our throats while we cum kissed sucking his cum from each other’s mouth. After that we looked his work. We died laughing. Everything was messed up and he had to start all over.  He called us crazy witches while we showered him with kisses and “Love yous”.



One more thing and I will close this diary. I’m 20 weeks pregnant now. I visited my gynecologist with my B.G. I showed her my pregnancy calendar and asked her to check if I miscalculated weeks. She took a look and she told me that I’m four and half months pregnant or 5 months, depending on the pregnancy calendar. I have about 20 more weeks (4 months) to go. She told me that I didn’t miscalculated weeks. It is the “fault” of my pregnancy calendar that puts 17-20 weeks of pregnancy into the fifth month. She showed me her calendar of my pregnancy and it was slightly different than mine. So, I didn’t wrongly passed the weeks from December into January. I followed the instruction of my pregnancy calendar. She also said that my baby is developing according to the “schedule” although it is a little big bigger and heavier than average fetuses of its age. She said that it is quite normal since the baby carries our “tall” genes. My Prince and I are both tall. Anyway, all is fine. We went straight home and we are waiting for my luvs to come too so my Prince can see that I’m fine and to dismiss him. My B.G. enjoying in sweets and juice in the living room watching TV. When my luvs come home, we gonna fuck first and then my Ivy and I will list the catalog of nice dresses and shoes for our wedding anniversary. Have a nice weekend LL.


Recommended Comments

Everything looks either peaceful or well managed. Everything is in order ; move along, citizen ! 87-police-stop.png


Killing one or two of them drives them away. They are very intelligent, but sneaky birds.

Malicia : « I hope you won't shoot me too, 'cause I'm  also very intelligent and sneaky, you see ? :classic_angel: »


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3 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Everything looks either peaceful or well managed. Everything is in order ; move along, citizen ! 87-police-stop.png

Malicia : « I hope you won't shoot me too, 'cause I'm  also very intelligent and sneaky, you see ? :classic_angel: »



> Well as long you do not screeching at the Hotel or our house, you are safe. ;) My Ivy said you can always sneak in our bed. :D

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