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My Big Farmer dad, Chapter 3 - Losing my Virginity



Hey, Its Collin again, piking up where we last left off.


So, the next morning dad and I pretty much awoke around the same time. I'd gotten used to cuddling up with him at night.


I could feel his massive morning wood laying against me.

Collin: "Have any good dreams dad?"

Tony: "How could I not when you're cuddled up to all night, boy?"


Collin: "yeah, well I had a pretty hot dream too, dad."

My dad just chuckled as I took hold of of his massive cock. 


Collin: "You're already so hard, dad.  I cant wait for you to be inside me."

Tony: "You sure son? I'm worried you're not ready, I don't want to hurt you."


Collin: "Dad, I know, but I want you so bad. I want you to be my first." 

Tony: "Collin, I don't know. this is a whole other line to cross."


Collin: "Dad, its turning me on so much thinking the cock that made me is gonna be the one that fucks me for the first time and takes my virginity." 

Tony: "Damn boy, you are so fucking kinky." *What a cutie he is, he wants it bad*


Collin: "I know you like hearing it just as much dad, your cock is pulsing in my hand talking about it."


Tony: "You can barely get your hands around me boy, you know I'm gonna stretch your pussy to its limits."

Collin: "That's just turning me on more dad. I want you to use me. I want you to make me your personal whore."


Tony: "Yeah, you want daddy to treat you like the slut you are? Get your ass on the bed boy!"

Collin: "Yes daddy!"

I was beyond eager, getting into position and flashing my smooth virgin hole to my dad. 


Tony: "Lets get this boy hole of yours loosened up." *Fuck he's tight*

Collin: "Yeah dad, your fingers feel so good."


Dad flipped me around like a ragdoll, his fingers never leaving my hole. 

Tony: "That feel good son?"

Collin: "So good dad!"


Collin: "Oh! Fuck! Dad, keep going! That feels so good!"

Tony: I know, your little dick is twitching in my hand, boy!"


He began roughly jack hammering his fingers into me. I couldn't help but moan out in bliss.

Collin: "Yeah, dad! ahhh, Fuck!"


He began eating my ass, I loved the feeling of his beard against my smooth hole. 

Collin: "fuck dad, that fells so good!"

Tony: "Damn, my boys got a sweet hole."


Tony: "Fuck boy, you ready for daddies cock?"

Collin: "Yes! Fuck me dad!"

He agreed to go slow so I could adjust to his massive size.


His huge cock head pushed into me, I couldn't help letting out a whimpering moan as he broke my virgin anal ring. 

Tony: "Fuck boy, your so damn tight!"


He continued pushing his way into me. My asshole stretched to its limits around his immense girth as my body was accommodating his gargantuan length.


Collin: "Fuck Dad, you're so huge!"

Tony: "Your pussy feels so good on my cock, boy."

Inch after inch, he sank his cock deeper into me. It felt like he was splitting me in half. 




Tony: "You're so close boy. I'm almost all the way inside of you. "


I finally felt his huge nut sack resting against my tight little Balls, his pubes tickling my smooth ass. It was almost as if I could feel his cock throbbing against my heart. 

Collin: "Ahhh, Fuck dad!"

Tony: "Your tight little ass is squeezing me so good boy."


Dad let me get accommodated to his giant size.  After a while, I was finally able to even my breathing. He sensed, and slowly started thrusting his cock in and out of me. 


Collin: "Awh, Dad. mmmf, you're so big."

Tony: "Damn boy, you're making me feel so good."


He began to really pound into me, I couldn't help but bite the pillow as he used my hole.  He hurt like hell, but at the same time, I felt so much pleasure. 


Suddenly, he pulled out of me completely.  I felt the cool air replace where his cock was, and all I wanted was for him to be back inside me.

Tony: "Shit boy, look at that tight little ass. How you feeling?"

Colling: "I feel so empty. Keep fucking me Dad!"


Before I could say anything else he slammed back into me, causing me to squeal out in ecstasy. He began roughly thrusting into me, however, wrenched my head and passionately started kissing me. It caught me off guard, this was our first kiss like this and it was a beyond erotic. He kissed with both passion and roughness all at the same time.


He got on his back instructing me to ride him next. I climbed on top and guided his huge member to my hole. 


Slowly I began sinking down his thick shaft.

Collin: "This is amazing dad. You feel so good inside me."

Tony: "awh, my beautiful boy, ride that fat cock"


I rode his cock for all I could. He was massive and it felt like he was hitting every sensitive spot inside me. We began passionately making out, lost in each others pleasure. 



Before I knew he took control again, flipping us over and pining me down beneath his strong, powerful body.


Tony: "You like that cock boy? Tell me how much you like it"

Collin: "Mmf, fuck dad, keep fucking me. Your massive dick is so good."


Tony: "Fuck yeah, My own son, turned into my personal cock whore."

Collin: "Fuck! Dad!"


Collin: "Harder Dad, god this is amazing."


Tony: "Take it Boy! Take your dads cock!"


I couldn't believe I was finally getting absolutely railed by own father. For something that was so wrong, it felt so good.


Tony: "Fuck boy, we should've started doing this sooner."

Collin: "You're telling me dad!"


Collin: "Fuck yeah dad, give it to me! Pound your whore of a son!"

Tony: "mmmhf, you're such a good little slut boy."


The weight of his powerful hairy body, pinning down my smooth frame was beyond stimulating. He was balls deep fucking me and I felt like I was born to do this, I was made to please my dad. 


I got on top of him as he began jackhammering his massive cock in and out of my abused no longer virgin hole.


Collin: "Shit dad, that's so good!

Tony: "So fucking good. Take my cock, son."


Tony: "I'm getting so fucking close boy."

Collin: "Yes daddy, breed my hole! Make me yours."


Dad began roughly thrusting his huge cock, using me to reach his orgasm.  


Tony: "Ahhh! Fuck! Take my fucking load son!"

I felt his first rope of cum rocket into my body as he thrusted as deeply as possible inside me. His thick warm load began filling me.


"Ahhh Fuck dad! You're Cumming so much! I can feel your seed inside me."

I was completely getting off that the same cum that made me was now being pumped deeply inside of me. 


Dad must've been thinking and getting off on the same thing as he filled my ass.

Tony: "Fuck, take it son. Take the same load that made you!"


His massive throbbing cock popped out of my spent hole, cum came pouring out with it.


We both held each other, panting from the intense sexual euphoria we had just experienced.  His cum began dripping from my freshly fucked hole and his cock burped out the very last remnants of his orgasm. 



Tony: "So son, was it everything you wanted your first time to be?"


Collin: "Everything and more, dad. You're the best"


We passionately made out again, enjoying each others bodies as we came down from our sexual high.


As our tongues danced, I could feel my dads fingers prodding at my wet, used hole. 


Tony: "Lets take a look at the damage..."


Tony: "... Fuck boy, your hole is so wet and loose now. I really did a number on you."


Collin: "Good. It should be if I'm gonna be your whore from now on, dad." 

Tony: "You sure are boy, you sure are. Fuck."



As we continued making out again, he ordered me to my feet. After the brutal fucking, I felt like I could barely stand as dad held me close to him. 


Tony: "You're Keeping my load inside of you as long as possible today, boy. Just so you have a reminder of who you belong to."

Collin: "You make it sound like that's a problem, dad."

We both chuckled and had one last peck on the lips.


Tony: "Alright kiddo, how about we throw some clothes on and go make some grub."

Collin: "You bet, we worked up quite the apatite!"


Dad and I slipped on our underwear and headed down to the kitchen.  Uncle Ben and Trent were already down there and we decided to join them cooking breakfast.


As we cooked, I could feel my dads warm cum beginning to drip from my hole.  I should've been nervous, but it excited me as I felt his wetness between my smooth cheeks.


With the four of us cooking, in not time we were all sitting down together to eat. Dad and Uncle Ben joked back and fourth as usual, while Trent and I laughed along with them.


After breakfast we cleaned up and put everything away. We decided we'd all watch a movie since it was raining out, but dad grabbed me to hang back as Ben and Trent left the kitchen.

Tony: "So, I was thinking maybe you and I should get away for a few nights soon. Just a father son get away, so we can... bond. Ya'know and we don't have to worry about anyone else around."


Collin: "Yeah dad. I definitely think you and I could go for some one on one bonding."



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Hello! May I ask where the penises you use come from? 
thank you 😉

Edited by nytil
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