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Lady Serah - Complete Lore and Narrative. [Vigilant, Unslaad]





Beware! What lies ahead is long, grammatically incorrect and full of SPOILERS. 

This is a wild interpretation of VINC’s Vigilant, Unslaad, and Glenmoril that I incorporated into Serah’s lore. So this will sound like nonsensical ramble if you don’t have or playthrough these mods. Probably still sound like nonsense even if you have those mods 🤣

Her dialogues were built on MY interpretation of VINC mods, not the canon explanation by Aelarr.

I divided a Kalpa cycle chronologically into 4 "seasons", to help narrate the story. Each cycle starts in Spring and ends with Winter.  At the end of each Kalpa, time is supposed to reset to a New Dawn, which I will represent as Spring. 

That being said, I think it's much easier to tell this narrative starting with Fall, of year 4E 201. Where the events of Skyrim take place.




Fall (Past): In order to learn Dragonrend and defeat Alduin, the Elder Scroll was used at the throat of the world, resulting in a Dragon Break and a Time Wound. Creating two distinctive, yet equally true timeline.


- Timeline A (Convergent Loop):  *Don’t have the mods installed* Pretty much anything and everything the Dragonborn did or could have done. Destroy the Dark Brotherhood, marry Ysolda, join the vampires, etc. However you played your game. The only exception is that “Serah'' doesn't exist in this timeline. All branching alternatives will ultimately converge into a single “Ends Time” with Unslaad. 


- Timeline B (Divergent Loop) *Have mods installed*: The difference between Serah and the normal Serana is that, after absorbing your "essence" for 6 years, she became partially aware of the True state of the world. That you aren’t just the Dragonborn, but a being that can manipulate the world as he sees fit through modding, ahem… CHIM. Which is why she has dialogue like “Something is wrong with this world, I just can’t figure out what exactly”. The implication is that, even though she can't tell what changed, she is aware that the world is being modified around the player. This timeline would still lead you to Unslaad, but the cycle was interrupted. We’ll dive more into it in the Winter section. 



Winter (Future): I won’t spoil the story of Unslaad, mostly because I don’t fully understand it myself. I only know the part that I incorporated in my own narrative. 


The Time Wound that appears outside of High Hrothgar was not discovered until many years after the defeat of Alduin. The destination was the future, in the land of Unslaad. This isolated place is the home of a half dragon hybrid girl named Ulliss.  Not going into great details, but your quest leads you even further in the future. Unslaad gets invaded and Ulliss is dying. To preserve what was left of her soul, you fused a part of your soul with hers. Resulted in a half dragon hybrid child name Lizz.


After bringing Lizz back to her mother Ulliss, you travel north-east to a place called Dragon’s Peak. This place exists at the very end of the Kalpa cycle, the “Ends Time”. It is the convergent point of all the remaining Time left within the Dream. A new Godhead must slumber for a new Spring to begin. This role was supposed to be Ulliss. But because you traveled to Unslaad and conceived Lizz. She will take Ulliss place as the new Godhead. All that’s needed was a trigger to jump start the next cycle, and that is you, the Last Dragonborn. One that possessed both the Blood and Soul of a dragon. When you use your shout, two dragons will emerge from the mountain in the far distance, indicating a successful link to next Spring. Lizz becomes the Godhead, dreaming of the new world into existence, similar to The Painted World of Ariandel from DS3. From Serah’s “Dream of Winter” dialogue. She stated that a Great Tree will sprout where Liz lay rested. The tree will eventually be known as the Eldergleam, oldest living being in Tamriel. Even though Lizz is the host of the dream, she can’t interact with the world unless she lucid dream. In order to do so, she must lower a part of her consciousness and attach to a being that exists within the Dream. The being that she chose was Kyne, “Kiss at the End”.


Canonically, this is where everything in the current world is supposed to literally just End. Think it as you starting a “New Game”, erasing your current save to play the next one.


Up to this point, both timelines are basically the same. You can bring Serah to Unslaad, but she won’t have any special dialogues there. There are only Implication dialogues that you both went there together already, and that she likes Lizz. If you ask her “What was the last thing you remember” dialogue, she will recall what happened in Timeline B. When you shouted at the sky, ushering in the collapse of the current world. Serah unconsciously ‘dreamt’ both of your escape by sending you and herself back in the past. So instead of moving forward to the next Kalpa, she rewinds the clock back 6 years.


Fall (Present): >[This is the scenario you play when you start a New Game with Serah]< You wake up again on that carriage ride to Helgen for an execution. Even though everything “reset”, you (your character) memory is fully intact. Meet up with Serah at the Temple of Kynareth and go about your adventure in Skyrim as usual. Eventually, you will starts Vigilant quest. Won’t go into great details, but the chains of events that follow will lead you to Coldharbour. The memories of “Spring” and “Summer” are viewed in Act 4.


Before we dive into Coldharbour, there is one important key point that I must mention. During Act 2 in Old Windhelm’s, there was the throne room where the bones of the Blood Matron lay rested; a knife plunged in her chest. This indicates that the original Lamae Bal has ALREADY been killed and that the Lamae Bal you fight is highly an imitation. This key point will be used later, so I will label it as [Key 1].


*WIP* Fall was supposed to encompass the events of Glenmoril also, but I want to wait until it finishes before adding more lines to Serah. At the moment, she only has the “Dream of Fall” dialogue which covers the beginning of Glenmoril and the Anatomancer (only occurs after Vigilant) for his upcoming role in it.



Spring (Past): I will have to ask you to suspend your disbelief for a second, and accept what I say as canon. During the Merethic Era, there was a priestess named Lamae Beolfag and an ayleid Bard, whose name has long been forgotten. Let's label him “Bard-O” for Bard - Original. In “Romeo and Juliet” fashion, they can’t be together due to the never ending conflict between Mer and the Nedes. The Bard is tolerated, but always discriminated against by Lamae's people. And he himself was an outcast by his own for associating with the Nedes. Nonetheless, everyday under the Eldergleam, he would sing to her. This caught the attention of her father, who was displeased by the notion that his daughter was mingling with an elve. He had his people poison the Bard and left him for dead. After months of searching, Lamae turned to prayer when she couldn’t find the Bard. Everyday, she would plead under the Eldergleam to Kyne, wishing to see him one last time. Little that she knew, he was laying underneath her feet. 


At this moment in time, Lizz is basically Kyne. To be more precise, Lizz's lowered consciousness was heavily influencing Kyne. Lizz still has her full memory from the previous cycle. Residing in the Eldergleam, Lizz knows the Bard was the Dragonborn and Lamae was Serah/Serana. After the events of Unslaad, she viewed the two as parental figures and loved them so. Grief by the Bard’s death and Lamae’s longing, Lizz sacrificed her consciousness in order to bring the Bard back to life. In doing so, Lizz’s consciousness disappeared from the Eldergleam. She isn’t dead, she is still the sleeping Godhead. But now, she won’t be able to see or interact with worldly events anymore. From that moment, Kyne of the Merethic Era became Kyne/Kynareth that we know today. The 1st hand account of what happened after Lamae’s wish was granted is in Serah’s Diary (in her inventory) or 2nd hand telling in Opusculus Lamae Bal.


"Tamriel was still young, and filled with danger and wondrous magick when Bal walked in the aspect of a man and took a virgin, Lamae Beolfag, from the Nedic Peoples. Savage and loveless, Bal profaned her body, and her screams became the Shrieking Winds, which still haunt certain winding fjords of Skyrim. Shedding a lone droplet of blood on her brow, Bal left Nirn, having sown his wrath."


It is the event that conspired after that is unknown to history, and only ever remembered by 3 beings. 


     1. After the “deed” was done, the resurrected Bard converse with Sheogorath, he tells the mad god that he must push forward Still... He will stop at nothing in order to achieve godhood. Only by ascending, he can rewrite history and undo his crime. The Bard shed every ounce of his humanity and went on to Mantle Molag Bal. Let’s label this “Bard-B” as in Bard - Bad


     2. The discarded humanity of Bard-O banded together in a fruitless attempt to save Lamae. It uses all its strengths to drag her body to the nearest tribe, Sheogorath appears to the dying flesh and presents the same question he did to Molag Bal. The Bard tells the mad god that he had Enough… and wishes for death. Let's label this as “Bard-G” for Bard - Good.


Lamae, despite being a worshiper, couldn’t be saved by Arkay. “Molag Bal shed a droplet of blood on her brow and left her to die… Lamae was discovered by a tribe of nomads, who took care of her and attempted to heal her wounds. Despite their best efforts, however, she appeared to have died within a fortnight. The tribe then prepared to set her body aflame in a funeral pyre, but as it was still burning she rose up and emerged as the first pure-blood vampire. Enraged, she slaughtered the nomads by ripping out the throats of the tribe's women, eating the eyes of the children, and raping the men in a crazed act of violence…” - Opusculus Lamae Bal.



Summer (Past): In order to Mantle Molag Bal, he must walk the same way Molag Bal does, until Molag Bal walks like him. So the span of  “Summer” is basically all the messed up things Bard-B did, from when he starts mimicking, to eventually becoming Molag Bal. Every memory encountered in Act 4 except Bitter Memory (Spring) and True End were of his victims. The ones he deceived, tortured, and abused in the same way Molag Bal would have. Some of the events are… 


Melus PetiliusMad King Dro’Zel, Tricking Marukh, deceiving the Alessian Order to fuel a false Amulet of King, Imprisonment of the real Emperor Belharza, etc. (List goes on, I just don’t remember all of them).


Most of the events above are more or less based on the Elder Scrolls lore. There are some that VINC made up. The made up ones aren’t related to Serah’s lore, so I won’t go into them. The only one that stands out is the memory of Martha. This memory felt random until I learned that it’s connected to an Oblivion mod called Bravil-Underground by VINC himself. Didn’t play it myself, but in it, you (the Hero of Kvatch in Oblivion) could do crazy f**k up things. At the very end, it “supposedly” was all a bad Dream, illustrated by Molag Bal. 


We know that at the end of the Shivering Isles DLC, HoK (Hero of Kvatch) becomes Sheogorath. But in the Elder Scroll, you either transcend yourself and become a god (Talos, Tribunal, etc), or you mimic a pre-existing god until you both become one. You can’t just flip a switch and become the Mad God. The madness must have been accumulating in the HoK mind before he even set foot in the Shivering Isles. In my opinion, that’s the reason why the Bravil-Underground canon in Vigilant. It’s the mess up things that the HoK did in there that made him crazy. Just as Sheogorath “nudges” the resurrected Bard to become Molag Bal (Spring). Molag Bal does the same thing to the HoK, pushing him down the path of madness to Mantle Sheogorath. A symbiotic relationship, mutually assured existence. OR they’re just f**king with each other. I mean, one is crazy and the other is an asshole, so it's kinda hard to tell. Regardless, there is a strong connection between these two.


Fall (Present):

All of Vigilant (whole mod) events take place in the present, only memories occurred in the past. Before we even enter Act 4, Coldharbour was already being invaded by the Greymarch. Molag is “recruiting” more soldiers by corrupting Vigilants to fight his war. Unknowingly, he accidentally sent you, the Dragonborn (Bard-G reincarnated) and Serah to Coldharbour. The Dragonborn (Bard-G) and Molag were once a single soul, Bard-O. Because of that, if both are present in the same plane (Coldharbour), it becomes a “tug of war” for control. When one gains power, the other loses it. That’s how the Karma system works in Vigilant. If you do evil things, you will weaken yourself while giving Molag enough strength to eventually invades Aetherius. If you freed the souls in Coldharbour (by choosing good options), you will become more powerful, while Molag weakens to a point of losing to you in a fight. By the end, I do believe that the Bard-B’s Molag Bal died. Of course the aspect of Molag Bal isn’t dead. Some other sucker will Mantle him, and he will be indistinguishable from previous Molag Bal. But the Bard reaching Aetherius, and the husk of Molag Bal broken means that Bard-O sins have been absolved. When you’re back in Tamriel, you (the Dragonborn) are no longer connected with Molag or the Bard. You are your own soul and person now, same for Serah.


The reason why I added Vigilant as a hard requirement for the mod is because True Ending is essential to Serah’s narrative. It is the binding force that brought you and Serah together in 4E 201. True End is a MEMORY, meaning it has already happened [Key 1]. You (the Dragonborn) is just a spectator in this memory. The one that was present during the original scene is actually Bard-G. After his death in "Spring", probably many decade later, he is successful in freeing Lamae’s soul, undoing the crime of Bard-B (Molag Bal). 


This conversation only makes sense from the perspective of Bard-G. 

Molag Bal - “I don’t understand. If YOU wanted, she could have lived again… Why… Why did you refuse?” 

You - “You will never understand

Molag Bal - “Wait… You still haven’t told me your name”  

     - "My name is [Your player name]. SHE gave it to me”.

     - "I am Stendarr. Stendarr of Haafingar."

     - "I abandoned my name".


Having Lamae live again or not wasn’t the choice of the Dragonborn, but Bard-O. He chose between two equally true and distinct paths when he answered Sheogorath with “Still…” and “Enough…”. The first response became the being that’s you’re talking to, Molag Bal. The second became Bard-G, the character you are viewing through in this memory. “You will never understand” is a statement that only Bard-G can make. Because he is the humanity that Molag discarded, he knows that Molag is missing that piece to understand what “Love” is. The 3 responses given by the player wouldn’t make sense if it’s the Dragonborn. You might be tempted to say (a) because it has your character name, but the second part, “She gave it to me” doesn't add up. Unless it was referring to when Lamae gave the Bard that name when she met him. Coincidentally (or not), that same name would be used whenever the Bard soul returns to the world. Whether it’s Bard-G that you’re viewing in True End, or the Dragonborn later in 4E 201. (b) Doesn’t apply to the Dragonborn either because the Vigilant you joined is based in The Pale. There isn’t a “Stendarr of Haafingar '' in the current era. This might be referring to the faction Bard-G was in during his time. There is no logical reason why the last respondent applied to the Dragonborn. Why would you abandon your name…? But it makes absolute sense if you’re Bard-G. Having to complete his mission, Bard-G’s soul would have found peace and let go of everything that came before. “All the sins will be forgiven and all the blood washed away. Everything will be buried by the dust of history and become part of the songs” - Bard-G


Unfortunately, history tends to repeat itself. Nevertheless, this event must have already occurred, for Lamae’s soul to eventually become Serana. And as we all know from Dawnguard, Molag Bal violated her, turning her into a Daughter of Coldharbour (again). This triggers the return of Bard-G, who is now the player character, the Dragonborn of the 4th era, in order to free her (again). If the event of True End didn’t occur already, there wouldn’t be a Serana for you to meet in Dawnguard, resulting in Serah not existing.


In the Elder Scroll, the concept of CHIM is often associated with “Love”. Molag’s Love was obsessive, forcing Lamae to be with him, even in death. It’s what Lamae was referring to in True End when she said “It’s such a sad and cruel story. Shouldn’t the ending be inspiring and full of happiness?”. Bard-G responded, “I will think about the rest until the next time we meet”. Lamae ends the conversation by asking you “Then think of something beautiful. Promise?”, and a “See you again” as she walked away.


Serana and the Dragonborn are the reincarnation of Lamae and Bard-G. Meeting her again in the DLC is the “Promised Ending” written by Bard-G. It's the 6 years they spent together in Timeline B, but it wasn’t the end.


Serah’s final narrative is one of Ascension. She started to unravel the True state of the world, by understanding the paradoxical concept of Love. In her post-vigilant dialogue “In order to Ascend. One must embrace "Love", yet comprehend its pointlessness”. Again, CHIM is achieved through the association with Love. Before Vigilant, she had a sense of it. But once you set foot in Coldharbour, Serah begin to learn its full meaning through Molag’s memories. One of the most important lines is “My mind... I feel as if it's being pulled into a maelstrom of memories…”. Coldharbour is a whirlpool of memories of all the tortured souls within it, INCLUDING Molag Bal’s. Through Bal’s memory, Serah had glimpsed Secret Syllable of Royalty. In another post-Vigilant line, she will flat out say “I had glimpses of the Secret Syllable before. Now fully I understand what it means to be Royalty”. Indicating that, she achieved CHIM by the end of Vigilant. She now understands that everything is a Dream and nothing really matters. That is the reason why she acts the way she does. To her, everything is now just a "Game", and she chooses role play and have fun with it. She's viewing the world now through the lens of a "Player".


Serah’s Ascension parallels Vivec in his method of achieving CHIM. In 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 12, it stated that Vivec learned the secret symbol from Molag Bal and consummated a marriage with him. Serah had a sense of the symbols through the Dragonborn, but saw the whole picture through Molag Bal when her mind was “...pulled into a maelstrom of memories”. By consummating with her in True End, you gave Serah the final piece of the secret symbol. (If it modded it correctly), Serah would now have full access to all her post-vigilant dialogues at night. A lot of it will be strange if you don’t know the lore of Elder Scroll. One example is “Restrains from mingling with the world excessively. Else you risk waking the sleeping head”. She’s not telling you to stop doing stuff within the game, she's telling you to stop adding mods to your game, else you risk of crashing it.


Now that we’re up-to-date with the Serah story, I will go into why Serah (Timeline B) is a “divergent loop” while everything else is a “convergent loop”. If you don’t have the mod installed, and get bored with the current playthrough. You can just select a “New Game”, and nothing from the previous game will be carried over. As if you are starting the next Kalpa.


If you have the Serah in your game, she will always reference back to a "previous game”. Because she’s here with you in this supposed “New Game”, the last cycle never truly ended. Just from being here, she’s creating an alternate path that is outside of the Kalpa cycle. In this timeline, she will eventually have a child with you name Mia. Serah stated that “Lizz is the link between Cycles. A being that exists both within and outside of the Dream”. Her own daughter Mia, is also a “A being that exists both within and outside of the Dream”. Just as Liz wouldn’t have been born if the Dragonborn didn’t travel to the future. Mia wouldn’t have been born if Serah (and the Dragonborn) didn’t travel to the past. Canonically, Mia is conceived in True End consummation.


In the normal Timeline A loop. All living beings (Blood) would eventually freeze up, leaving only the eternal dragons (Soul). But they too, would go dormant without Blood. Requiring a “link between cycle” to restart the Kalpa. In that far future, nothing would be left to rekindle the Kalpa, except for Lizz. But with the existence of Mia, “Soul *would become* the essence of blood. Blood *would be* the substance of a soul” - Serah’s post-vigilant. Mia and Liz together have the potential to create a world without cycles. It no longer needed to be “reset”. It will continue as long as it continues. I leave it up to your imagination on how that works.


Edited by boobi3


Recommended Comments

Dear mod author,


Thank you for your comprehensive blog post - now I see more clearly what the intention behind your work is... and I'm even more enthusiastic about it.


I've been working on my own blog story for 2 years about an Isekai character who ends up in Tamriel from "our" world today.

Here's a short summary - in a spoiler


The character is basically my alter ego - who dies here on earth in 8 years from today - his "soul" is taken to Nirn by a group of Aedra and Daedra and put into the body of the guy on the wagon - full of captured Stormcloaks ... who all roll to their execution in Helgen. It happens as it has for 14 years - Mr. Alduin appears and puts on his show in Helgen.


But hey - my alter ego died at the age of 70 on earth - his joints are full of arthritis ... barely able to walk ... and is now supposed to perform various stunts. Of course, that goes totally wrong - but the "gods" do their best ... let time run back and so I experience the whole thing (the wagon ride) a total of 7 times.

At some point they realize - that I can't be turned into a superhero aka dragon's blood straight away.


This is where the "LAL" mod comes in - I start in Riverwood - found badly wounded by the "companions" - scarred all over my body by contact with a "will-o'-the-wisp mother" ... but this causes a huge dragon break in Helgen.


This initially allows my character to develop somewhat normally - but because of the dragon break I can also incorporate things like the companion "Recorder" or the player home "Sidrat" (aka Tardis)



Such a dragon break weakens the boundaries of space and time - something you are also working with.


Now after returning to Helgen - which apparently fixes the dragon break - the mod group around "Serana dead sexy" was planned ... to turn the world of Skyrim into a horror-trash world ... with the task of not killing Harkon in the traditional way.


The background to this idea comes from the Vigilant mod ... from the relationship between Lamae and Bal ... when Lamae became the blood matron she was already pregnant with a girl - who was actually born half-Daedra.


The original idea for this didn't even come from me - a mod author had already developed a present for it years ago

I just took the idea behind it and mixed it with the above-mentioned Serana mod... Harkon actually wanted his daughter to be killed by MolagBal during the Coldharbour ritual - because she is not a pure Nord (that is due to the Kangmina mod - Serana's grandmother comes from an eastern vampire clan - basically from the eastern continent).


How Lamae's daughter ended up in this ritual as a sacrifice to MolagBal... that is part of my plot... in any case, Serana survived this crazy torture and is now the "King of Screams" and Lamae's daughter died... her soul was caught by Merida - and put into my alter ego's head when she woke up in Riverwood.


And only the death of Harkon brings Lamae's daughter back into the world - with the godlike powers described in this mod.


This is where the plot splits - thanks to your mod, I now have a story line for the reawakened daughter of Lamae... who didn't have a peaceful and happy life until her violent death during Serana's Coldharbour ritual.



Your mod offers me a perfect stage for the fate of Lamae's "freed" daughter - even if it was originally written for a male player ... but thanks to "Dragonbreak" and other narrative tricks I can easily "get around" that.


I had already played Viligant 3 years ago - but thanks to your contribution I have only now understood many things - and become familiar with the basic idea of "Unslaad" - that the living world is basically the dream of a deity (you can find this in Far Eastern manga/anime as well as the isekai idea)



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9 hours ago, Miauzi said:

Dear mod author,


Thank you for your comprehensive blog post - now I see more clearly what the intention behind your work is... and I'm even more enthusiastic about it.


I've been working on my own blog story for 2 years about an Isekai character who ends up in Tamriel from "our" world today.

Here's a short summary - in a spoiler

  Hide contents

The character is basically my alter ego - who dies here on earth in 8 years from today - his "soul" is taken to Nirn by a group of Aedra and Daedra and put into the body of the guy on the wagon - full of captured Stormcloaks ... who all roll to their execution in Helgen. It happens as it has for 14 years - Mr. Alduin appears and puts on his show in Helgen.


But hey - my alter ego died at the age of 70 on earth - his joints are full of arthritis ... barely able to walk ... and is now supposed to perform various stunts. Of course, that goes totally wrong - but the "gods" do their best ... let time run back and so I experience the whole thing (the wagon ride) a total of 7 times.

At some point they realize - that I can't be turned into a superhero aka dragon's blood straight away.


This is where the "LAL" mod comes in - I start in Riverwood - found badly wounded by the "companions" - scarred all over my body by contact with a "will-o'-the-wisp mother" ... but this causes a huge dragon break in Helgen.


This initially allows my character to develop somewhat normally - but because of the dragon break I can also incorporate things like the companion "Recorder" or the player home "Sidrat" (aka Tardis)



Such a dragon break weakens the boundaries of space and time - something you are also working with.


Now after returning to Helgen - which apparently fixes the dragon break - the mod group around "Serana dead sexy" was planned ... to turn the world of Skyrim into a horror-trash world ... with the task of not killing Harkon in the traditional way.


The background to this idea comes from the Vigilant mod ... from the relationship between Lamae and Bal ... when Lamae became the blood matron she was already pregnant with a girl - who was actually born half-Daedra.


The original idea for this didn't even come from me - a mod author had already developed a present for it years ago

I just took the idea behind it and mixed it with the above-mentioned Serana mod... Harkon actually wanted his daughter to be killed by MolagBal during the Coldharbour ritual - because she is not a pure Nord (that is due to the Kangmina mod - Serana's grandmother comes from an eastern vampire clan - basically from the eastern continent).


How Lamae's daughter ended up in this ritual as a sacrifice to MolagBal... that is part of my plot... in any case, Serana survived this crazy torture and is now the "King of Screams" and Lamae's daughter died... her soul was caught by Merida - and put into my alter ego's head when she woke up in Riverwood.


And only the death of Harkon brings Lamae's daughter back into the world - with the godlike powers described in this mod.


This is where the plot splits - thanks to your mod, I now have a story line for the reawakened daughter of Lamae... who didn't have a peaceful and happy life until her violent death during Serana's Coldharbour ritual.



Your mod offers me a perfect stage for the fate of Lamae's "freed" daughter - even if it was originally written for a male player ... but thanks to "Dragonbreak" and other narrative tricks I can easily "get around" that.


I had already played Viligant 3 years ago - but thanks to your contribution I have only now understood many things - and become familiar with the basic idea of "Unslaad" - that the living world is basically the dream of a deity (you can find this in Far Eastern manga/anime as well as the isekai idea)



I made Serah's narrative to be like a "reverse" isekai role. A character that was restrained within the world, but elevated out of it. That's why I made her insanely powerful in the the mod. Her special attacks actually "breaks" the rules of the game. It can "kills" enemies that are suppose to be "unkillable". An example is Vigilant Act 3. There is an enemy that you must run away from because you "shouldn't" be able to kill. Serah didn't care, she dropped that thing. Which is fine because I'm not a fan of jump scare, especially in VR.


I think I finally understand why I keep coming back, even though I don't exactly play Skyrim anymore. To me personally, it's about the narrative. I just love to see how other interprets the same game (skyrim) and putting their own spin on it.  Beside Skyrim and Sim here on LL, I don't see this level of story driven creativity community in any other game.


Thanks for the great read and hope to hear more from you!

Edited by boobi3
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Vor 57 Minuten sagte boobi3:

Ich habe Serahs Erzählung so gestaltet, dass sie wie eine „umgekehrte“ Isekai-Rolle ist. Ein Charakter, der in der Welt zurückgehalten, aber aus ihr herausgehoben wurde. Deshalb habe ich sie wahnsinnig in der Mod mächtig gemacht. Ihre Spezialangriffe „brechen“ tatsächlich die Spielregeln. Es kann Feinde „töten“, die angeblich „nicht tötbar“ sind. Ein Beispiel ist Vigilant Act 3. Es gibt einen Feind, vor dem man fliehen muss, weil man „nicht“ in der Lage sein sollte, ihn zu töten. Serah war es egal, sie ließ das Ding fallen. Das ist in Ordnung, denn ich bin kein Fan von Jump-Scare, insbesondere in VR.


Ich glaube, ich verstehe endlich, warum ich immer wieder zurückkomme, auch wenn ich Skyrim nicht mehr wirklich spiele. Mir persönlich geht es um die Erzählung. Ich liebe es einfach zu sehen, wie andere das gleiche Spiel (Skyrim) interpretieren und ihm ihre eigene Note verleihen. Abgesehen von Skyrim und Sim hier auf LL sehe ich in keinem anderen Spiel ein so hohes Maß an geschichtengetriebener Kreativitätsgemeinschaft.


Vielen Dank für die tolle Lektüre und hoffe, mehr von Ihnen zu hören!


Thank you for the answer,


I haven't played the vanilla Skyrim for a long time - but a lot had to happen before I decided to write a story from my own "roll-play".


The original reason was actually the release of the mod "Serana dead sexy" - which was originally posted here on LL.

This Serana is also overpowered but also completely insane - in the spirit of the Splasher films of the 1970s... which I grew up with in my childhood and youth.


As a player, you are no longer the driving protagonist - but just a kind of "appendage"... suddenly the vanilla things like "earth Thane of city xy" become completely insignificant. Of course, this also pushes Alduin as the "world eater" into the background... because he is no longer the real threat to this world.


If, as in my plot, Aedra (Dibella and Mara) join forces with Daedra (Merida, Sanguine, Sheogorath and others) to bring a person from "outside" - then there must be something much more threatening at work.

Of course, the first candidate, Serana, who has a deeply divided personality, seems to be this threat... but she is not - quite the opposite - she is a necessary part of the solution.


The final act should actually be the plot of the mod "Maids 2" - which deals with the disappearance of the Dwemer and the still existing danger of the complete annihilation of the TES universe... but in order to eliminate this threat - the existence of the resurrected daughter of Lamae would not actually be necessary.

This dilemma has slowed me down from writing my story for over a year now... but now you have provided the solution.


Eva (my alter ego) and the spirit of Lamae's daughter experience the first act as a kind of slow awakening of their memories and their abilities - both "locked up" in one body.


With the return to Helgen, the second act begins with the initially usual path of the "Dragonborn" - but thanks to the "Kangmina" mod, the action is very quickly directed towards Serana. She sees the player as a nice and interesting toy - far inferior to her abilities - but still so interesting - that something like "romance" awakens in her bloody, confused soul ... a very twisted romance.


But that is exactly what the "gods" have been working towards - because Serana decides not to clear her father Harkon's path with the bow - but trains the (female) Dragonborn as a sex slave ... and gives her to him as a "gift of peace".

Of course, a poisoned gift of peace - because Lamae's daughter has now completely regained her memories and also knows how she died -> through the Coldharbour ritual with Serana manipulated by Harkon.


Can vampires actually serve any other Daedric "deity" than Molag-Bal?

Yes - the clan from which Serana's grandmother came (from the eastern continent) worships Sanguine in addition to Molag Bal - as a result, the women do not become vampire lords but powerful succubi... as happened with Serana.


And here is the lever to eliminate Harkon even in his vampire lord form -> Harkon rapes his "gift" and it turns into a succubus which drains all of his powers and thus kills him.

In this way, Lamae's daughter not only gets her physical form back - but also her insane powers.


From here on, the story has to split up... "Eva" takes over the 3rd act with the threat from "Maids 2"... there is a 4th act for Lamae's daughter -> your "Lady Serah" mod

Even though both personalities are now separated (and exist in apparently parallel worlds) - they share all of each other's knowledge - although not their abilities (as skills, etc.) ... and remain connected to them (I can probably solve this via dream sequences)


Why does "Maids 2" remain in the plot?

On the one hand, the history of the Dwemer is an extremely fascinating topic - but the author has created a very unique interpretation - which also ties in with the prophesied end of the world ... even with the victory of the dragon blood over Alduin, this downfall cannot be stopped.


Why? -> see "Unslaad" - here is the answer.

The whole alliance of the gods ultimately only served to ensure that the processes originally predetermined in "unslaad" could actually take place!


Writing all of this down and staging it accordingly for the images in the game... will keep me busy for at least another 2 years - but now the biggest gaps in content have been closed




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There seems to be many people not liking the part they find that Molag Bal use to be mortal. I really don't have an issue with it there are a lot of mortals gaining such power like Talos for example and so on like you said. I was gonna base a few characters in my blog to show how this is possible and really not that surprising. Like my story the Son of Sheogorath one of my characters Jay-Omms and my user name too. Sheo possesses the body of the Champion of Cyrodiil in the Shivering Isles DLC and that is one of the reasons he could have a child half mortal and Daedra. Though he may not be the real Sheo but he did imprinted his consciousness on the Cyrodiilic Champion effectively possessing him like Madness would. :sweat_smile: But in my story he some how infused a dragon soul like the cherry on top granting his Son more power to make things more entertaining. Also giving him a last name something to do with musical Bass. And also consorting with interdimensional beings from the falsehoods especially the falsehoods like the librarian Orc in College of Winterhold says. :)





I reworked her preset but couldn't find the new screenshots of her at the moment. She is supposed to look more like this...


Except female of course :mrgreen:

ElfgFNnVcAIZwiO.thumb.jpg.60bd3f642e7851ec4e8cd11510e10d14.jpg ;) Here's her Theme song I picked for her. I'm thinking of doing music videos. Just got to fix my mod setup first. :sweat_smile:

or perhaps this song maybe both

And and and also.... :sweat_smile: I never thought that these two artists would make a song together 

They should do a Skyrim song next :sweat_smile: though she did a cover for it already 😄


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4 hours ago, Miauzi said:


Thank you for the answer,


I haven't played the vanilla Skyrim for a long time - but a lot had to happen before I decided to write a story from my own "roll-play".


The original reason was actually the release of the mod "Serana dead sexy" - which was originally posted here on LL.

This Serana is also overpowered but also completely insane - in the spirit of the Splasher films of the 1970s... which I grew up with in my childhood and youth.


As a player, you are no longer the driving protagonist - but just a kind of "appendage"... suddenly the vanilla things like "earth Thane of city xy" become completely insignificant. Of course, this also pushes Alduin as the "world eater" into the background... because he is no longer the real threat to this world.


If, as in my plot, Aedra (Dibella and Mara) join forces with Daedra (Merida, Sanguine, Sheogorath and others) to bring a person from "outside" - then there must be something much more threatening at work.

Of course, the first candidate, Serana, who has a deeply divided personality, seems to be this threat... but she is not - quite the opposite - she is a necessary part of the solution.


The final act should actually be the plot of the mod "Maids 2" - which deals with the disappearance of the Dwemer and the still existing danger of the complete annihilation of the TES universe... but in order to eliminate this threat - the existence of the resurrected daughter of Lamae would not actually be necessary.

This dilemma has slowed me down from writing my story for over a year now... but now you have provided the solution.


Eva (my alter ego) and the spirit of Lamae's daughter experience the first act as a kind of slow awakening of their memories and their abilities - both "locked up" in one body.


With the return to Helgen, the second act begins with the initially usual path of the "Dragonborn" - but thanks to the "Kangmina" mod, the action is very quickly directed towards Serana. She sees the player as a nice and interesting toy - far inferior to her abilities - but still so interesting - that something like "romance" awakens in her bloody, confused soul ... a very twisted romance.


But that is exactly what the "gods" have been working towards - because Serana decides not to clear her father Harkon's path with the bow - but trains the (female) Dragonborn as a sex slave ... and gives her to him as a "gift of peace".

Of course, a poisoned gift of peace - because Lamae's daughter has now completely regained her memories and also knows how she died -> through the Coldharbour ritual with Serana manipulated by Harkon.


Can vampires actually serve any other Daedric "deity" than Molag-Bal?

Yes - the clan from which Serana's grandmother came (from the eastern continent) worships Sanguine in addition to Molag Bal - as a result, the women do not become vampire lords but powerful succubi... as happened with Serana.


And here is the lever to eliminate Harkon even in his vampire lord form -> Harkon rapes his "gift" and it turns into a succubus which drains all of his powers and thus kills him.

In this way, Lamae's daughter not only gets her physical form back - but also her insane powers.


From here on, the story has to split up... "Eva" takes over the 3rd act with the threat from "Maids 2"... there is a 4th act for Lamae's daughter -> your "Lady Serah" mod

Even though both personalities are now separated (and exist in apparently parallel worlds) - they share all of each other's knowledge - although not their abilities (as skills, etc.) ... and remain connected to them (I can probably solve this via dream sequences)


Why does "Maids 2" remain in the plot?

On the one hand, the history of the Dwemer is an extremely fascinating topic - but the author has created a very unique interpretation - which also ties in with the prophesied end of the world ... even with the victory of the dragon blood over Alduin, this downfall cannot be stopped.


Why? -> see "Unslaad" - here is the answer.

The whole alliance of the gods ultimately only served to ensure that the processes originally predetermined in "unslaad" could actually take place!


Writing all of this down and staging it accordingly for the images in the game... will keep me busy for at least another 2 years - but now the biggest gaps in content have been closed

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I'm glad to hear that! Thanks for sharing the translated summary. If you don't mind, can you notify me when she show up in your story. I'd love to see her role in the upcoming events. 🫡


I've tried using "Serana dead sexy" before but there is way requirements for the mod. So I just gave up on it.


I never play with Maid 1 & 2, didn't know the story had an existential threat within it. I got to look more into it.


As for Unslaad, please note that what I wrote is my interpretation of the story, and so it might be inaccurate. I presented only the parts that were essential to my own narrative. There were a lot more going on in there like Hermaeus Mora, The Owls, "Radiance", and other concepts. It's best if you could experience it yourself at least once. If not, the closest thing to an "accepted" summary is by Aelarr on reddit. He is the main translator for all of VINC works. Beside him, only VINC himself could tell you what it all mean.

4 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

There seems to be many people not liking the part they find that Molag Bal use to be mortal. I really don't have an issue with it there are a lot of mortals gaining such power like Talos for example and so on like you said. I was gonna base a few characters in my blog to show how this is possible and really not that surprising. Like my story the Son of Sheogorath one of my characters Jay-Omms and my user name too. Sheo possesses the body of the Champion of Cyrodiil in the Shivering Isles DLC and that is one of the reasons he could have a child half mortal and Daedra. Though he may not be the real Sheo but he did imprinted his consciousness on the Cyrodiilic Champion effectively possessing him like Madness would. :sweat_smile: But in my story he some how infused a dragon soul like the cherry on top granting his Son more power to make things more entertaining. Also giving him a last name something to do with musical Bass. And also consorting with interdimensional beings from the falsehoods especially the falsehoods like the librarian Orc in College of Winterhold says. :)

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I reworked her preset but couldn't find the new screenshots of her at the moment. She is supposed to look more like this...


Except female of course :mrgreen:

ElfgFNnVcAIZwiO.thumb.jpg.60bd3f642e7851ec4e8cd11510e10d14.jpg ;) Here's her Theme song I picked for her. I'm thinking of doing music videos. Just got to fix my mod setup first. :sweat_smile:

or perhaps this song maybe both

And and and also.... :sweat_smile: I never thought that these two artists would make a song together 

They should do a Skyrim song next :sweat_smile: though she did a cover for it already 😄


Not sure why people dislike the idea that mortals can Mantle gods. It's not some far fetch concepts that we invented, it's in the from the lore itself.


"The philosophy behind mantling is to "walk like them until they must walk like you". In essence, mantling involves a mortal claiming the office and sphere of a deity making the two beings synonymous with one another. - Wiki Lore


The idea of a Mortal Mantling Molag Bal resonated with already upon finishing Vigilant. But I only ever decided to start putting everything together after this video. It looks indept into the "human" aspect of Molag such as fear and insecurity. That's when I knew I had to scartch the itch to do a narrative.


It's awsome that your story resolves around Sheogorath and his child. To me personally, Sheogorath and Molag are the two most fascinating Daedric Princes out there. They just feels more complex than the the rest of their kins. I might just be bias because of the connecting to I drew for them after Vigilant though.

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Vor 30 Minuten sagte boobi3:

Das freut mich! Vielen Dank, dass Sie die übersetzte Zusammenfassung geteilt haben. Wenn es Ihnen nichts ausmacht, können Sie mich benachrichtigen, wenn sie in Ihrer Story auftaucht. Ich würde gerne ihre Rolle in den kommenden Veranstaltungen sehen. 🫡


Ich habe bereits versucht, „Serana dead sexy“ zu verwenden, aber es gibt bestimmte Anforderungen für den Mod. Also habe ich es einfach aufgegeben.


Ich habe nie mit Maid 1 und 2 gespielt, wusste nicht, dass in der Geschichte eine existenzielle Bedrohung steckt. Ich muss mir das genauer ansehen.


Was Unslaad betrifft, beachten Sie bitte, dass das, was ich geschrieben habe, meine Interpretation der Geschichte ist und daher möglicherweise ungenau ist. Ich habe nur die Teile präsentiert, die für meine eigene Erzählung wesentlich waren. Da war noch viel mehr los, zum Beispiel Hermaeus Mora, The Owls, „Radiance“ und andere Konzepte. Am besten, Sie könnten es zumindest einmal selbst erleben. Wenn nicht, kommt einer „akzeptierten“ Zusammenfassung am nächsten die von Aelarr auf reddit. Er ist der Hauptübersetzer aller VINC-Werke. Außer ihm kann Ihnen nur VINC selbst sagen, was das alles bedeutet.

Ich bin mir nicht sicher, warum Menschen die Idee nicht mögen, dass Sterbliche Götter bedecken können. Es sind keine weit hergeholten Konzepte, die wir erfunden haben, sondern die Geschichte selbst.


„Die Philosophie hinter der Verhüllung besteht darin, „so lange zu gehen wie sie, bis sie wie du gehen müssen“. Im Wesentlichen geht es bei der Verhüllung darum, dass ein Sterblicher das Amt und die Sphäre einer Gottheit beansprucht und die beiden Wesen zum Synonym füreinander macht. – Wiki Lore


Die Idee eines Mortal Mantling Molag Bal fand bereits nach Abschluss von „Vigilant“ großen Anklang. entschieden, mit dem Zusammenbau zu beginnen Aber ich habe mich erst nach diesem Video . Es befasst sich eingehend mit den „menschlichen“ Aspekten von Molag wie Angst und Unsicherheit. Da wusste ich, dass ich den Drang überwinden musste, eine Erzählung zu schreiben.


Es ist großartig, dass sich Ihre Geschichte um Sheogorath und sein Kind dreht. Für mich persönlich sind Sheogorath und Molag die beiden faszinierendsten daedrischen Prinzen überhaupt. Sie fühlen sich einfach komplexer als der Rest ihrer Artgenossen. Vielleicht bin ich aber auch nur voreingenommen, weil ich nach „Vigilant“ eine Verbindung zu ihnen herstellte.


I read the article on reddit by "Aelarr" just a few days before yours here - it already clarified some important questions for me... others about Serana/Serah are clarified here.

The canon (lore) of the Elder Scroll universe offers a lot of room for your own interpretations - as soon as you break free from the very tight shackles of the base game.

It was already clear to me when I played Morrowind - that the Dwemer (through their observatories) knew that they live in a small pocket universe - which basically only consists of a single star system - but has several hundred sub-dimensions... some of which are then claimed by the Daedric princes as their domain.

In the Mythic Age, space travel was even carried out - people even traveled to the outer sphere (Aetherius) and found Sovengarde and other habitable worlds there, among other things - in fact, every people has its "kingdom of heaven"



(I took the picture from here https://www.elderscrollsportal.de/almanach/Mundus)


According to official history, the Dwemer were looking for a way out for themselves - they were the only ones who rejected the required worship of the gods (whether Aedra or Daedra) ... and were in the process of creating their own.

Naturally, the existing gods incited their believers to prevent these "heretics" from completing their project -> Battle of Red Mountain

But they only won - because all the Dwemer suddenly disappeared.

"Maids 2" offers a completely different interpretation for this disappearance -> not the Dwemer were supposed to disappear from Nirn - but all the other peoples!!

But this was sabotaged by a (god-like) entity - which the Dwemer had brought to Nirn from the void some time before.

This creature had its own plan - not just for the Dwemer - but for all other peoples and their gods ... because the creation of this pocket universe in the "nothingness" is already perceived by her (and her kind?) as a kind of declaration of war.

This is my interpretation, however, and the mod "Maids 2" contains a lot of hide-and-seek and deception ... the addition of "deception" is really programmatic.

It is a "deity" that can obviously act several levels above the Daedra, who specialize in deception and trickery - that's why I refrained from the usual frontal attacks - as is common in many Isekai stories.

"Serana dead sexy" provides enough variety and threat - so that the "Dragonborn" can completely "fly under the radar" ... I even turn her into a sex-addicted slut (using the "Bimbo mod").

That only works... because there is an independent second person in your head!



Lamae aka "Sheogorath" ... Bal aka "Molag Bal" ... das gemeinsame Kind ein Halb-Daedra - welches eine "menschliche" und eine "daedrische" Form hat

Im wesentlichen lebte sie als Daedra im Reich ihres Vaters - opponierte dort aber zunehmend gegen ihn.

Die Invasion der Sterblichen nach Kalthafen - zentraler Plot in TES-Online ... ermöglicht mir ihr dort eine Rolle zuzuweisen



Her hybrid nature (and her direct fatherhood of MolagBal) always made her an outsider - she did join a clan in Coldharbour, but it was largely wiped out.

I don't take into account the fact that "Lyranth" plays a more important role in the current TES Online - I stopped playing my game about a year after I started... when it became "pay to win".

Now I'm faced with a small challenge - because in my plot the role of the current Sheogorath is already taken -> by the hero of Kwatch

My alter ego has been drawn to Nirn... what has/will happen to my own wife (from my real life)?

Because she played Oblivion before me (we've known each other for 20 years!) and was particularly taken with the DLC "Shimmering Isles".

To become a crazy god, you have to be crazy as a human being... without going into her actual diagnoses in more detail - that fits very well... we have arranged our real life today accordingly.

How she herself came to be in the role of the "nameless hero" after Nirn... I have no idea - I'll leave that open.

Why I was chosen as the candidate to "take over" the dragon's blood... well, who would have been acting in the background??

Since the gods of Nirn can choose their gender and physical form as they wish (see Sanguine) - I can provide the hero with two companions (at the same time) for the 2nd act - both "aspects" of Sheogorath



for the perfect breakthrough of the 4th wall




I met the lady of my heart as a gothic girl ... besides manga/anime (especially from Japan and Korea) we also love series like







Children of gods


The Greek mythology was full of them - they are an integral part of Western culture




the Christian religion has completely banished them - has made them all children of demons - something rather bad - otherwise the role of Jesus would have been something everyday ... I see it as a pure culture war - after all, early Christianity was in direct competition with several ancient belief systems

as an atheist, however, I do not have to disprove the existence of an all-knowing and all-powerful God - I can also completely ignore this question and explain the real world without the presence of such a being

I can also construct worlds in my mind - in which "gods" exist ... but which I can interpret as a kind of super-civilization - which have been conducting social experiments in a pocket universe for several thousand years ... on beings they have "abducted" from other worlds

actually, these beings have long since withdrawn from this experiment out of boredom - everything now runs in a kind of "automatic" mode ... ergo, the Aedra and Daedra are only aspects of a highly complex Surveillance AI

I came up with this idea after playing through "Maids 2" for the first time... why is there no actual technological and social development... and the only people who go through something like that have the intention of destroying the pocket universe and themselves.

Question the existence of the "Numidium" and the Dwemer's intention of creating it!




What do the heroes do after slaying the dragon or freeing the princess?

Ride off into the sunset?


Do you gain "godlike" powers to get involved in Nirn's politics?

Not with me - I took an active part in the Autumn Revolution in East Germany almost 35 years ago (1989)... when you're over 60, you're a bit more level-headed...


... but there are still so many worlds to be discovered in the multiverse - let's visit them ... with a "Tardis" we have the means to travel ... and with "Recorder" a tour guide



Especially in the first act, she helps my alter ego not to go completely crazy - through her I indirectly learn that I am an "Isekai" - who has effectively been deprived of almost all memories of his previous life (except for flashbacks in dreams)


she shares one or two of the protagonist's passions... which later makes it much easier for Serana to "corrupt" the dragon blood.



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9 hours ago, Miauzi said:


I read the article on reddit by "Aelarr" just a few days before yours here - it already clarified some important questions for me... others about Serana/Serah are clarified here.

The canon (lore) of the Elder Scroll universe offers a lot of room for your own interpretations - as soon as you break free from the very tight shackles of the base game.

It was already clear to me when I played Morrowind - that the Dwemer (through their observatories) knew that they live in a small pocket universe - which basically only consists of a single star system - but has several hundred sub-dimensions... some of which are then claimed by the Daedric princes as their domain.

In the Mythic Age, space travel was even carried out - people even traveled to the outer sphere (Aetherius) and found Sovengarde and other habitable worlds there, among other things - in fact, every people has its "kingdom of heaven"



(I took the picture from here https://www.elderscrollsportal.de/almanach/Mundus)


According to official history, the Dwemer were looking for a way out for themselves - they were the only ones who rejected the required worship of the gods (whether Aedra or Daedra) ... and were in the process of creating their own.

Naturally, the existing gods incited their believers to prevent these "heretics" from completing their project -> Battle of Red Mountain

But they only won - because all the Dwemer suddenly disappeared.

"Maids 2" offers a completely different interpretation for this disappearance -> not the Dwemer were supposed to disappear from Nirn - but all the other peoples!!

But this was sabotaged by a (god-like) entity - which the Dwemer had brought to Nirn from the void some time before.

This creature had its own plan - not just for the Dwemer - but for all other peoples and their gods ... because the creation of this pocket universe in the "nothingness" is already perceived by her (and her kind?) as a kind of declaration of war.

This is my interpretation, however, and the mod "Maids 2" contains a lot of hide-and-seek and deception ... the addition of "deception" is really programmatic.

It is a "deity" that can obviously act several levels above the Daedra, who specialize in deception and trickery - that's why I refrained from the usual frontal attacks - as is common in many Isekai stories.

"Serana dead sexy" provides enough variety and threat - so that the "Dragonborn" can completely "fly under the radar" ... I even turn her into a sex-addicted slut (using the "Bimbo mod").

That only works... because there is an independent second person in your head!



Lamae aka "Sheogorath" ... Bal aka "Molag Bal" ... das gemeinsame Kind ein Halb-Daedra - welches eine "menschliche" und eine "daedrische" Form hat

Im wesentlichen lebte sie als Daedra im Reich ihres Vaters - opponierte dort aber zunehmend gegen ihn.

Die Invasion der Sterblichen nach Kalthafen - zentraler Plot in TES-Online ... ermöglicht mir ihr dort eine Rolle zuzuweisen



Her hybrid nature (and her direct fatherhood of MolagBal) always made her an outsider - she did join a clan in Coldharbour, but it was largely wiped out.

I don't take into account the fact that "Lyranth" plays a more important role in the current TES Online - I stopped playing my game about a year after I started... when it became "pay to win".

Now I'm faced with a small challenge - because in my plot the role of the current Sheogorath is already taken -> by the hero of Kwatch

My alter ego has been drawn to Nirn... what has/will happen to my own wife (from my real life)?

Because she played Oblivion before me (we've known each other for 20 years!) and was particularly taken with the DLC "Shimmering Isles".

To become a crazy god, you have to be crazy as a human being... without going into her actual diagnoses in more detail - that fits very well... we have arranged our real life today accordingly.

How she herself came to be in the role of the "nameless hero" after Nirn... I have no idea - I'll leave that open.

Why I was chosen as the candidate to "take over" the dragon's blood... well, who would have been acting in the background??

Since the gods of Nirn can choose their gender and physical form as they wish (see Sanguine) - I can provide the hero with two companions (at the same time) for the 2nd act - both "aspects" of Sheogorath



for the perfect breakthrough of the 4th wall




I met the lady of my heart as a gothic girl ... besides manga/anime (especially from Japan and Korea) we also love series like







Children of gods


The Greek mythology was full of them - they are an integral part of Western culture




the Christian religion has completely banished them - has made them all children of demons - something rather bad - otherwise the role of Jesus would have been something everyday ... I see it as a pure culture war - after all, early Christianity was in direct competition with several ancient belief systems

as an atheist, however, I do not have to disprove the existence of an all-knowing and all-powerful God - I can also completely ignore this question and explain the real world without the presence of such a being

I can also construct worlds in my mind - in which "gods" exist ... but which I can interpret as a kind of super-civilization - which have been conducting social experiments in a pocket universe for several thousand years ... on beings they have "abducted" from other worlds

actually, these beings have long since withdrawn from this experiment out of boredom - everything now runs in a kind of "automatic" mode ... ergo, the Aedra and Daedra are only aspects of a highly complex Surveillance AI

I came up with this idea after playing through "Maids 2" for the first time... why is there no actual technological and social development... and the only people who go through something like that have the intention of destroying the pocket universe and themselves.

Question the existence of the "Numidium" and the Dwemer's intention of creating it!




What do the heroes do after slaying the dragon or freeing the princess?

Ride off into the sunset?


Do you gain "godlike" powers to get involved in Nirn's politics?

Not with me - I took an active part in the Autumn Revolution in East Germany almost 35 years ago (1989)... when you're over 60, you're a bit more level-headed...


... but there are still so many worlds to be discovered in the multiverse - let's visit them ... with a "Tardis" we have the means to travel ... and with "Recorder" a tour guide



Especially in the first act, she helps my alter ego not to go completely crazy - through her I indirectly learn that I am an "Isekai" - who has effectively been deprived of almost all memories of his previous life (except for flashbacks in dreams)


she shares one or two of the protagonist's passions... which later makes it much easier for Serana to "corrupt" the dragon blood.




Thanks for detail explanation. Though I can't really wraps my head around all the details (might be because of translation errors), I really like where you are going with the story. I can see that a lot of thought went into building this and that it will require more work putting it all into pictures. Will be looking forward for your future works. Cheers and happy writing!

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