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My Big Farmer dad, Chapter 2 - The Morning after



The Morning after the night at the club was a beautiful summer day.


That night I slept cuddled up on dads big muscular pec. It was the deepest and most comfortable sleep I had in a long time.



Dad woke up before me and let me sleep as he caressed my body.

Tony: *mmmhm, my boy*


Tony: *Man, I'm so lucky to have a son like Collin. He really is the perfect boy.*


Tony: *I cant believe what we did last night though... how could I go through with that.. with my own son.*


Tony: *I gotta admit though, that was the best head I've ever gotten. He was so eager, and willing.*


Tony: *What an ass my boys got... Such a smooth, tight bubble butt.*


Tony: *What am I thinking, this is my own son. I need some space to clear my head*




*Sometime later*


Collin: *Wow, what a night! I slept great*


Collin: *I wonder where my dad went... I was hoping we could've cuddled and talked about everything.*


Collin: *I just hope he's not mad at me and I didn't ruin our relationship. I better go find him*


I got out of bed and started looking around the house checking the kitchen, bathrooms, office - nothing. The person I did find was Trent, so I joined him in the living room. 

Trent: "Hey Collin! Good call last night, dad an I had so much fun with you and uncle Tony."

Collin: "Definitely, we need to do that again"


Trent: "Where did you and your dad go towards the end of the night anyhow? We couldn't find you guys"

Collin: "Uuhhh, I was just helping him get over the divorce." 


Collin: "Speaking of him, do you know where he is? I haven't seen him this morning"

Trent: "I saw him heading towards the barn when I got back from my jog! I haven’t seen him since."


After saying bye to Trent, I headed out towards the barn and that's where I found him. Working outside in the garden.


Collin: "Morning dad!"

Tony: "Hey, Morning boy."


Collin: "I was surprised when you weren't in bed this morning when I woke up."

Tony: "Yeah, needed to take care of the garden. If I didn't start early, it'd take me all day and throughout the evening"


Collin: "Well, why don't I give you a hand so we can get it done quick!"

So, I joined him so we could get the work done faster.


Soon enough, everything was watered, pruned and mulched. the garden was looking perfect and I was finally able to talk with dad. 

Collin: "Are you mad at me dad?"

Tony: "Boy, now why would you think that?"


Collin: "Well, with everything that happened last night. And I felt like you left me alone this morning, so I just figured."


Tony: "Son, I'm not mad at you. I'm just confused and trying to process it all.  Fathers and sons shouldn't being doing what we did. Not to mention the fact that I've never been with a guy before you."


Collin: "Well, I'm honored to be your first, you were mine too for what it's worth. And I know its wrong, but we needed to talk about it."


Tony: "Wow! You could've fooled me boy, you took me like a pro. I know that's not easy with my size either. And you're not wrong, I shouldn't have left you this morning."


Collin: "I'm just glad you don't hate me."


Tony: "C'mere boy, I could never hate you, son."


Collin: "So dad, if I was so good, when do we get to do that again?"


Tony: "Now son, I told you, fathers and sons shouldn't be doing that. Its wrong."


Collin: "C'mon dad, you can't tell me it’s  wrong when it felt so good! I cant tell you how many times I've fantasized about doing that!"


Tony: "It's not about whether something feels good or not... You've been what?!"


Collin: "Dad, I've had the biggest crush on you for so long.  I don't know how it started, but..."

I reached out and grabbed at his bulge, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of pleasure. I could feel his massive member pulsing to life beneath the fabric. 

"I just know I need you dad"


Tony: "Shit, Collin, this is crazy. I don't know what's getting into me."

Collin: "C'mon dad, just touch me."


Tony: "Fuck, since when'd you get this tight little body, boy?"

Collin: "I need you dad."


It didn't take long for us to both loose our shorts and for my had to be gripping his massive cock. I loved seeing his massive size next to my tiny dick.


I dropped to my knees, beginning to worship the tool that made me. 

Tony: "Fuck boy, you like your dads huge cock?"

Collin: “It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of dad.”


Tony: "Now before you suck this cock, give daddies balls some love"

I gladly obliged, worshipping his huge nuts before working my way to the head of his giant cock.



Tony: "Awhh, fuck kid. you look so good with your lips wrapped around me."

I felt a huge bead of his precum deposited directly onto my tongue. 


I worked his head into my mouth, my jaw opened as far as possible as I could.


My dad guided my head further down his huge shaft. I was struggling to take anything more. 

Tony: "Fuck yeah, you're making me feel so good son."


My mouth was so full of his cock, I could feel his heart beat as he pulsed on my tongue. A mix of my slobber and his precum began dripping out of my mouth.


I began stroking him as I pulled him out of my mouth. I loved the way dad was admiring me as I worshiped his tool.

Tony: Collin, I'm so close boy.  You work my cock so good."


Collin: "You're so huge dad. I love being you're cock slut." 


Tony: "Mmhhfff, get ready son, daddies gonna blow!"

Collin: "Give it to me dad!"



Tony: "Oh fuck, take it Collin! Take this load son!"

Rope after thick rope of my dads massive load splashed across my face as he moaned and grunted above me.


Collin: "Wow, that was more than last night dad!"

Tony: "Yeah, you worked up quite the load out of your old man."


He helped me up off the floor and we held each other for a moment, lost in each others eyes. 

Tony: "I don't know what's coming over me boy, but damn you make me feel good."

Collin: "Dad, I feel like the luckiest boy in the world with you."


Tony: "Lets get you cleaned up boy, before your uncle or cousin sees."

Dad led me to the house and we showered together. I loved the feeling of his muscular touch, his hairy body against my smooth frame. 




After our shower, dad and I went on with our day as typical father and son. We watched the game with Trent and uncle Ben, and later on made dinner together. No one would have suspected what we had been up to.



When night finally hit, dad and I both opted to head to bed early. Mainly so that we could cuddle in bed together.


I loved how powerful he felt as he held me. 

Collin: "So, what are you thinking dad?"

Tony: "Just thinking about how lucky I am to have a son like you."


Collin: "No regrets?"

Tony: "I guess I have one; not letting you suck me off sooner."


Collin: "Guess, I'll just have to make up for lost time. But there's one more thing dad..."

Tony: "I can get behind that. And what is it boy? You can come to me for anything."


Collin: "I want you to take my virginly, dad."

Tony: "oh wow, are you sure son?"


Collin: "There's no cock I'd rather take dad. I know with you're size it'll hurt, but I know it'll be worth it."

Tony: "I mean if that what you really want Collin..." *Fuck his ass is nice, look at his tight little hole.* "...we'll make it special."


Tony: "But for now, I need some sleep.  We'll talk more about this tomorrow. Goodnight kiddo, I love you."

Collin: "Goodnight dad, I love you too."

With that, dad spooned up to me and I fell asleep in his arms, ready for the next adventure with dad.



Edited by RichieKing

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