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Collin has been crushing on his dad, Tony, for as long as he can remember.  Now that his parents are divorced, he and his dad are sharing a room at his uncles house. 

Entries in this blog

My Big Farmer dad, Chapter 3 - Losing my Virginity

Hey, Its Collin again, piking up where we last left off.   So, the next morning dad and I pretty much awoke around the same time. I'd gotten used to cuddling up with him at night. I could feel his massive morning wood laying against me. Collin: "Have any good dreams dad?" Tony: "How could I not when you're cuddled up to all night, boy?" Collin: "yeah, well I had a pretty hot dream too, dad." My dad just chuckled as I took hold of of his massive cock


RichieKing in TS4

My Big Farmer dad, Chapter 2 - The Morning after

The Morning after the night at the club was a beautiful summer day. That night I slept cuddled up on dads big muscular pec. It was the deepest and most comfortable sleep I had in a long time. Dad woke up before me and let me sleep as he caressed my body. Tony: *mmmhm, my boy* Tony: *Man, I'm so lucky to have a son like Collin. He really is the perfect boy.* Tony: *I cant believe what we did last night though... how could I go through with th


RichieKing in TS4

My Big Farmer Dad, Chapter 1 - The start.

Hey, the names Collin Gators. I'm just your typical all American Copperdale jock.  Well, almost typical... the thing is, I've always had the hots for my dad, Tony. He's been my hero for as long as I can remember.  At some point my admiration turned to lust. I know it's messed up, but I cant help it. He's your typical masculine country man, and it makes me weak just looking at him. It's tough too because he's always been such a great dad and we have so many


RichieKing in TS4

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