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About DeadSomething

  • Birthday 12/01/1985

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  • Perverted Retexturer
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    being able to change the sigtext would be a nice feature
    "Adult themed? What, like taxes and insurance?" - TheSirusKing

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  1. way too many people just cannot imagine what info others need to read when going through those tons of assorted mod topics. even as the title of the game is the most obvious required info.
  2. that's just a workaround for a problem that can be easily fixed within the mod/patch
  3. the original mod page can't be loaded. can you add a description in your first post?
  4. sadly, only the outfit is scaling when using bodyslide - the body is not scaling. so this doesn't work. same applies to a handfull of your other outfit conversions. can you please fix them?
  5. are you implemeting all of the toys from the LE mod "immersive plugs"?
  6. i couldn't find anything about that either and the ingame menus don't list what exactly is required for a highschool either.
  7. that's just purely illogical legal situation. forcing people to take down a mod for their game, just because they don't like the mod, is like forcing people to destroy their fan drawings of HP characters or their fanfiction stories. it just doesn't make any sense at all and exactly that's the reason why they can do that in USA.
  8. thanks. that's exactly what i meant. rabbithole it is. problem to me is that my game is loading very long and if i switch between playing and town editor, it doesn't seem to clean up memory well, so it goes into an endless loading screen. so my only cha nce would be to go into play mode, try assigning somethng as school, write down all the requirements, then shut down the game and start it again as town edit mode, then build the school, shut down the game, restart it and start play mode.
  9. the game is in an endless loop checking for a suitable school location. there is a school, but it's a sinkhole. is this the problem? what does a suitable school require as minimum? and how do i register it to be a school building?
  10. one reason why i stopped playing any game i mod in another language than english.
  11. i was thinking about the peeping feature. wouldn't it make more sense to have no additional peeping char, but instead have each adn every char naturally be interested into seeing sims of their sexual preferrence naked and make their decision if they'll peep dependant on their other moral views and the likelyhood of being caught in the act by other sims? same for watching porn or masturbation in general. maybe make that and their exhibitionism dependant on if they were able to just follow it without being embarrassed by others in the past.
  12. i haven't found it anywhere, so here is my question: Can we have a LL mod for Empyrion? the game is in early access and intendedly highly modable. it supports custom campaigns, items, models. browser https://store.steampowered.com/app/383120/Empyrion__Galactic_Survival/ steam-browser steam://openurl/https://store.steampowered.com/app/383120/Empyrion__Galactic_Survival/
  13. can you please add the info, for which MC version this was made?
  14. that handgesture is from catholic church. it's the hand gesture when a priest is blessing something/someone. also i second the request for a version showing her being penetrated. maybe different insertion depths with according belly bulge?
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